And the shitcoin of the day is...

in crypto •  3 years ago 

Step aside Bitcoin Cash, cause there is a new shitcoin in town and it's here for your blood!

Meet the new BCH killer, taking shitcoinery to a whole new level!

Diarrhea Cash!

diarhea cash.jpg

Finally a binance chain shitcoin with a real and much needed usecase:

Tired of getting rugged by moonboys and shat on by low tier social media influencers? Look no further. Diah Cash is here to get the liquidity flowing.

Load up your diarrhea bags at ->

Honorable Mentions

A honorable mention must go to "CumInu" (lol) that's so shitty it doesn't even have a website or a logo. Learn more about it at

Disclaimer: All coins in the shitcoin of the day series are featured purely for amusement purposes. If you invest in them you are an idiot and deserve to die poor.

Previously Featured Defi Shitcoins

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