Crypto Never Fails (to amuse)

in crypto •  2 years ago 


Another rug pull scam in the offing. The crypto investment firm Phoenix Community Capital has disappeared leaving many investors thousands of dollars out of pocket.

Nothing too unusual in that except that the firm has links to the UK parliament and was heavily involved in lobbying to the same.

Which makes it all the funnier when they 'disappear' leaving no trace and the website that they owned seems to have been sold to a man named 'Dan' who claims he isn't liable for anything.

You couldn't make this shit up.

If it sounds to good to be true it probably is.

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Finally made on of your posts in the window!

Also a favour pls could you upvote my shaded out d tube video I don’t like these weirdo down vote bullies to win. I’m working on another guy he downvoted my vote is more than what he used so over the next week I’ll bring his whole channel back.

Who is the other guy he downvoted and I can vote them too to unblur them?

He’s only on hive now I think and earns like 5 c a post I went and checked so he clearly annoys a lot of ppl since it’s easy to earn money thetr if no one’s downvoting you. I’m sure I met him in person and he had some weird bee in his bonnet about how anyone who cashed out the money they earnt was selfish. I’m sure that was him lol. He’s downvoted at least 6/7 ppl on d tube and tagged them ‘spammers’ because you can see them coming back at him with the downvotes and follow the links to the people who have downvoted him and see he’s shaded out their entire channels. He also has a second channel gravity69 which he uses to upvote himself. Lol meanwhile he no doubt downvotes anyone else who does that. These ppl are such hypocrites it’s unreal. He should at least change his username from team humble. Who would call themselves humble and go around downvoting ppl and telling them they are a cancer on the blockchain? Lol he tags me fake spammer which is actually deformation since I only post my own stuff and nothing is fake.

I found a way to flip it anywyas if he downvotes me before the video gets any traction I just unlist it and repost it, found that setting recently and I’m pretty stubborn I’ll do it 100 times a day if I have to lol 🤣🤣

I even gave the guy a couple of upvotes when he joined blurt. Don’t get me wrong I never watched any of his videos or anything they are boring to me but just to support a new person joining.

So when you click on this video you will see at least ten that fired back god knows how many more there are I’m renaming from teamhumble to teamhugeego


  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Like he downvoted this poor woman’s first video

What on earth did she do wrong other than speak in bloody Spanish lol is he against other cultures or something

Let’s help her first

Hmm just found this either someone else is posting his videos or he actually has at least three accounts posting the same videos


It is him cause his main account upvotes it he has at least three accounts I’ve seen so far that all vote for one another! Talk about farming


And this one account number four lol



Of course! I read your post about someone blurring out your videos. I don't have much idea what I am doing on DTube but tried to vote on one to unblur it. Did it work? I then worried that it would translate that vote to Blurt as a small vote and make me look like I was being miserly with my votes.

The voting system on DTube is weird!

It is weird I unlisted all the blurred ones now and just reposting them think after going round in the circle 3 times he’s finally realised it’s a waste of his time. I think everyone’s sick of him everywhere tbh. He’s someoen that used to do much better maybe he shows off this miserable side to a lot of ppl.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  



My kind of bacon 🙂

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Now they have another capital to do it again and then again. I hope that people will learn to just stick to cryptos that solves human problems rather than believe flowery words but laced with poisons that these scam companies are telling to lure people into their criminal snare job.

Posted from

There are too many scams aren't there. Beyond counting. My advice is to strictly stick with the top twenty. There is enough rodeo there but chasing ridiculous defi interest rates is mostly dumb.

I appreciate your comment my friend!

It’s defo controlled I always wondered if crypto was a government thing tbh scrape off as how many ppl rly made money? Or loads?

Curated by @ultravioletmag

Sorry, I have been away. I think they look ok but keep me in the know for any further ones

There are a couple still shaded out so basically worked out why I was getting it I’ll tag you where I explained to save doing it again