The naive idea of the decentral fans is that nobody will be in control. A very small amount of mathematics should suffice to show this to be at best a pipe-dream, and at worse a huge delusion. The issue is not even whether a chain is centralised or not - just a matter of when.
I'm glad to see so many comments on this issue.
Here on Blurt?
I was being sarcastic, especially towards the propagandists who continue to fly their false flag.
Glad to see more articles in the crypto press about something I've been saying for some years.
Ahhhaha :D
Rules without rulers is impossible.
Aside from stake based spheres people need places without this concept.
I see Blurt & Co actually more like classic joint-stock companies, where whoever holds the biggest share makes all the decisions. The term proof of stake already says it. Whilst the witness-concept and the discussion with the community softens that a bit.
About whom and what are you talking when you say propagandists and false flags?
Wasn't this the selling point of democracy?
Delegated proof of taxation.
And, yes, you'd think that something called proof of STAKE would be blindingly obviously so nowhere near decentralised - for long.
Were you referring to my sentence
I don't know. Was it?
the target is find "public servants"
In Utopia, anybody seeking election is barred from being elected!
It's fiction.
the ultimate goal of government should be to make itself obsolete
you want gov automated AND obsolete?
make up your mind.
Start with CEOs 🤬
Then work backwards 🥓
The start would be the "corporation".
A legally constructed psychopathic entity whose prime mission is to enrich shareholders - and logically, that could be to the detriment of the rest of the world.
Hence the huge new con we see, the greening of corps, which is still done in a rapacious and tyrannical manner.
Science Fiction 🥓
in utopia, the function of government is automated and transparent