What If PEPE.ETH Could Be Traded Through PEPE Without the Fees?

in crypto •  8 months ago 

Maybe PEPE could be utilized as free fee trade of PEPE from ETH / ethereum...


Bring PEPE from ethereum to Hive haz been an idea before in the community by sum users. Sum one should / could list PEPE from ethereum as SWAP.ETH. This would "list" PEPE.ETH from the ethereum blockchain onto the Hive blockchain via hive-engine. With the "wrapped" PEPE it could readily be traded for HIVE. Of course there is matter of how interesting, or uninteresting this can, or may be. The Hive and ethereum worlds are two quite different places with different users. However there are sum that have a Hive account and sum PEPE coins on ethereum...

Or PEPE could be paired with a pool of SWAP.BLURT! Although an interesting thought, don't think there would be enough demand fer such a pool between the two different pools of users.

Continuing with this thinking what would we do with the SWAP.ETH? Simply put it could be traded for HIVE. Maybe a pool with PEPE and SWAP.PEPE. A direct trade with SWAP.PEPE and SWAP.ETH may be the idea to offer a trading pool with out fees and maybe even $PEPE rewards. Or to include PEPE in the picture, PEPE on HIVE could be put in the middle...

Leading to the thought of creating SWAP.PEPE and creating PEPE:SWAP.PEPE and PEPE:SWAP.ETH pools. Of course this would cost a fair amount in fees. And who would use it? Therefore mentioning such ideas here. Could possibly make sense to afford to list SWAP.PEPE if one wanted to swap $PEPE from ethereum for PEPE on the Hive blockchain. Then (this) PEPE with @pepetoken could diversify into sum PEPE, as SWAP.PEPE and potentially PEPE on ethereum that would essentially link and partially back (this) PEPE with sum of the real / first PEPE token from the ethereum blockchain. This may increase sum attention to the token.

Otherwise still leaning towards a pool with HIVE and PEPE for the HIVE:PEPE pool so they may swim together. Just keeping some liquidity for just that of liquidity and being open to one of these many possible ideas as one of the major next goals for the PEPE token (on Hive).

Let us know your thoughts and we'll see what happens in due time.

Feels Good Man!

*notification list (comment to be added): @bitphoto *

$PEPE Hive Engine - LeoDex - TribalDex

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  ·  8 months ago  ·  

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. Read my last post to make sure that BLURT burning is profitable for you. Learn how to get more upvotes https://blurtlatam.intinte.org/burn/@mariuszkarowski/how-to-get-automatic-upvote-from-my-accounts

That would be great. I have lots of Pepe but sold all my Ethereum and forgot to keep some to trade my Pepe and USDT and a bunch of other Ethereum coins. This is why I. Don’t like Ethereum. Fees are ridiculous…. $100 compared to Blurt .001 Blurt

  ·  8 months ago  ·  

Yeah fees are out of this (Blurt) world. So maybe sum (SWAP)PEPE pool may be of interest.

For now I will buy all the Pepe dips on Hive-Engine…. It has been my best strategy since 2017… with Bitcoin, Dogecoin, … then Blurt in 2020.

  ·  8 months ago  ·  

Like many. That is a gud strategy. Thank you fer your support.

How about a Pepe:Blurt pool.

  ·  8 months ago  ·  

Maybe.. unsure if it's the best choice. Being a reward pool on and with Hive, seems HIVE may be the choice. Matter of managing to pay the fee and having liquidity to support. Or simply how much PEPE may be traded fer BLURT and others to make fer economical sense.