The reason why I like BASE is because they're not number one and they will eventually be number one, meaning they're not overvalued. They're a little bit undervalued and the potential behind it is absurd.
I've already done a crazy amount of research on this. I'm not gonna beat a dead horse, but I believe this is the best place with the best liquidity. We have 7.72 billion. So you don't wanna go on something like this.
$51 million, the chances of your meme coin doing well You wanna find things that have a lot of liquidity.
This is so important..And it's like one of the most important variables for any meme coin because their whole goal is to essentially get adoption and a whole bunch of people to buy into their coin.
So they wanna make sure they have good investments, right?
They want to make sure that there's a liquidity for people to buy into.
So BASE to me is the way forward.