Daughter: “Hey Dad, ya got any spare USBs laying around?”
Dad: “I’m pretty sure there’s a box of old ones in the spare bedroom’s closet, aka ‘the old tech graveyard’. Just rummage through all the stuff and you’ll find it.”
Daughter: “Just curious. When did you set that box aside?”
Dad: “Not too long ago. Maybe in 2018?”
[Daughter rolls her eyes and searches for the USBs.]
(Two hours later…)
Daughter: “Thanks for the box of USBs. They were all empty, except for this one. Thought I should show you before I format it.”
Dad: “Smart thinking. But whatever it is, it shouldn’t be too important. Let’s see, anyway. Shall we?”
[Dad inserts the USB into his desktop, looks at the screen, inputs the password he used in 2018 and can’t believe what he sees.]
Daughter: “Is that what I think it is?
Dad: “Yupper. I forgot all about this one. Good catch! Give me an hour and I’ll send it to my Metamask wallet. Then I'll send the whole shebang to yours.”
(Note: The daughter’s Metamask “wallet” is actually just another account in the Dad’s wallet; meaning, transfers are free.)
Daughter: “Huh? You sure?”
Dad: “Finder’s Keepers kiddo.”
[Daughter hugs and kisses Dad.]
Daughter: “Thanks! You’re awesome, Dad!”
Dad: “Hey, don’t say that too loud; you’ll ruin my Gangsta-Rep.”
May you and yours be well and loving life today.
In Lak’ech, JaiChai