Market Maker, Wintermute transferred 1M $MATIC ($914K) to Kraken.
Wintermute withdrew 2.99M $MATIC ($2.42M) and 499K $MATIC ($403K) from Coinbase and Kraken on Jan 7. Wintermute's average withdrawal price is $0.807
Coinbase or Kraken → Wintermute(0xdbf5) → Kraken
Withdrawal price : $0.807
Deposit price : $0.915
⇒ Estimated profit if sold : $105K
Still, Wintermute holds 5.93M $MATIC ($5.42M)
Mir Protocol
Deposit of $MATIC by MirProtocol
500K $MATIC ($455K) was deposited on Binance from an account deemed to be
MirProtocol, the investor of $MATIC
MirProtocol → 0x5703 → Binance
It is required to see closely the price action of MATIC near future.
But I think this coin deposit would not chage overall tide, but could give wrong signal to traders or make short-term price downturn that may be helpful to make regular profit for institutions.
The rest of coin in the relevant wallets could be deposited anytime that is possible to make price fluctuation.