Got hacked - now what?

in crypto •  3 years ago 

First of all. Cry.


I'm so not kidding. Just - cry.
It's ok. I will cry with you.

You will absolutely go through the 5 stages of grief in this process. Accept it, and find someone to go through it with you. Want a friend? Come find me. lol

Now - after you finally get to the point where you want to do something about it - I can tell you what I did. I'm not sure at all if it will help you recover your money back, but it may help YOU recover. And after all - THAT is what is most important, friend. That you find the way back to feeling like YOU again, a little wiser, a little safer, but YOU.

(note: its been SEVEN months since the hack, and though I still panic at the thought of using certain wallets, I am MOSTLY me again. But it took TIME. For a long time, I just wasn't me. But, day by day, you get there. It takes time, but I hope this post helps you!)

What I did first.

Well, for me, I was leading a community. And that community had a lot of controversy around it RIGHT at the time of my hack. (this will come up in another post, I'm sure, as it was very very suspicious timing) But for me - it was important that I share what happened WITH the community.

So, I immediately made a video, and shared THAT night. I was bawling my eyes out (and I'm not talking that pretty cry where Demi Moore has the beautiful single tear roll down her gorgeous cheek in Ghost. I'm talking snots flying, no makeup, UGLY CRY. lol) Do you need to put out a video of your blubbering self? Nope. But maybe document it somehow. For others, for you, for healing. Write it out. You're a blogger, right? Write it out. And you never know, you might see some things you didn't see before that help you later.

Next thing I did with a help of a friend?

Got turned onto bitquery - a really interesting site! Let me show you. (It will look confusing at first - but its FASCINATING to actually VISUALLY TRACK the movement of my hacked money!!!)

When I first looked at my wallet on etherscan, I saw the hacker's wallet that had stolen from me. I clicked onto HIS(or her!) wallet and this is what I saw.


See my 6 sweet little ETH there? sending you love my darling ETH, How I wish you would come home to me NOW!

Now you can see there, it seems that 6 other tragic souls were hacked at the same exact time as me. Then if you continue to follow, you can see that our ETH is combined and then sent back out in different amounts to different wallets.

If you click on EACH of those wallets - it opens to a NEW etherscan, and then... it only takes about 39 seconds and 17 open tabs for you to forget which trail you were following, whose wallet belongs to whom, and which direction you're supposed to be moving in. I'm telling you it is SO much data on SO many tabs - FORGET about tracking it that way!!

Which is why I introduced you to your new best friend:


Take a look at how much nicer this looks when you see a visual representation of what happened in that same time frame.

hack 1.jpg

Yep - there I am - the orange arrow! Me and my 6.18 ETH, as the hacker slipped into my wallet, and transferred to him(her)self. When you first load the transaction into bitquery, it doesn't know how you'd like each wallet to appear, so it just has them floating in a blob. You click on each wallet, and drag them to where you'd like. I have all of the victims on the left side, and all of the wallets where the stole crypto - is going to on the right.

I created a account at the time that this all happened. My hope was that I could talk to them and at least get them to close that account (since a Binance wallet was connected) or investigate it. I say this without any animosity. The process of creating an account with took months, they have worthless customer service, and the entire premise of them "offering help" in this situation was a waste of time. If you have a different experience... cheers to you. Mine was pretty terrible.

As you can see from the pic above - I have it set to 1 outbound transaction. Let's set it to 2 outbound transactions and see what happens!

hack 2.jpg

Interesting, no? You can see in the following pics, I'm not going to keep separating the wallets on the "inbound" side vs "outbound" side. Just take a look at the arrows and you'll see what the hacker was doing. He/she is circled in the center. Of the two wallets he (not gonna keep saying he/she - let's just assume he for now) sent out to two wallets that ended up converging back to one. It seems HIGHLY likely that he sent that back to himself and just make it look more confusing.

Let's go to 3 outbounds now.

hack 3.jpg

Even more interesting right? He ended up coming BACK to the original HACKER wallet, and then look at the left there. He sent to another "hub" that transferred out to more wallets.

Will they eventually come back to him again? Let's take it out to 4 outbounds.

hack 4.jpg

It's getting more complex, more intricate, we're seeing some more "hubs" and points where things are circling back. Can you see why this visual network is SO much easier than trying to do this with tabs and trying to keep random wallet addresses in your head? That would be near impossible. But this? A really nice little tool for trying to keep it all connected, and UNTANGLE what hackers intentionally TRY to tangle in order to confuse!

Wanna see 5 outbounds?

hack 5.jpg

Ok - look at that.
Remember the Binance wallet that FIRST went into the original hacker wallet?
He sends back out, through multiple wallets - and then ends up BACK to that same Binance account.

It's a complete circle, and it's evidence. (evidence for what? Seven months later, I will have to admit - evidence that not any agency cares about. But.... I believe it's STILL GOOD FOR YOU TO SEE. Somehow, it helped me to see that I'm not the only one. Others are suffering too - and we need to protect ourselves!)

One of the worst feelings that you experience from being hacked -is feeling completely powerless and having NO control over what just happened. THIS lets you see that YOU have the power to protect yourselves when you see just how EVIL and METHODICAL they are. Never wait to secure what is yours. They are waiting and watching.

Last outbound. Take a look at what the max 18 outbounds looks like.

hack 6.jpg

Here is the saddest part of this image.

It all converges. This guy/gal is stealing from so many people, and then sending the money through various wallets to end up in an account holding massive amounts of crypto that belonged to other people. One wallet that I saw had over 600k USD. Another had over 1 million USD. Then I got sick and just stopped looking.

Think about that?
After the hack, some very kind person was trying to console me and said, "I know it's hard, but maybe the person who hacked you needed the money?" (I am not angry that they said this - I know that people try to find meaning in the meaningless and try to open up perspective. I do try also... but)

  1. Even if that is so, there is no justification for theft.
  2. No one needs to steal my 6 ETH to add to their millions because they are in need. That is greed, and evil.

The next steps that I took will be coming up in a post soon. If you're reading this because you got hacked... I feel you. I'm so sorry that you also have been violated. Don't give up - just start again. You CAN rebuild and you WILL rebuild stronger.

This is the end of this post, but if you want to dig deeper into the "coincidences" with me? Feel free to continue further below.

NOTE: All of this was originally documented real-time on the Uptrennd platform. Part of the suspicious activity that surrounded my hack was:

  1. Everyone knew I was an Uptrennd whale
  2. Everyone knew that I held, helllld, hellllllllld!
  3. It was rumored that a "deal" was coming where Uptrennd was about to be sold (very much like the Steemit/ Ned/ Justin Sun saga)
  4. 18 hours before the announcement came that we WERE sold to, my wallet was hacked. Had it been hacked the next day - the 1up would have been almost worthless. So... interesting, no? Who would have known that?

Most of the community mourned with me, because they knew how loyal I was, how generous I was with my 1up token, and how strongly I believed in Uptrennd (even when things looked grim) but a few people accused me of staging my own hack. Can't lie - that really pissed me off, and I responded. (can see it below)

If you'd like to see any of the real-time blogs from when it happened, here they are. (My name is/was Tiger Lily on Uptrennd) These post links had to be archived, since Uptrennd went offline on May 31, 2021 - and we lost access to all our blog posts.

I can't even think straight (my gosh. ​I remember this like it was yesterday)

Who wants to make a thief famous? (spoiler alert... this was a nice idea, but its near impossible to find them)

I'm going to say this once (to say I was furious is an understatement)

Posted originally using LeoFinance Beta

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Do you know how they actually hacked your account ? (how they got the keys?)

If you never gave them out (intentionally or otherwise), was there a way to find them?

This crypto malarky sometimes looks shadier than a scoring your party chemicals in a town that you don't know, at midnight , and on a street corner - with no lights ! lol

I had my steem account 'hacked' when I first joined steem
I don't think it was 'hacked', as nothing has happened to the tokens since - but I did just obliterate someone in an argument who I now believe to be a 'big whale'( coincidence?).
Knowing what I know now ?....I wouldn't put anything past small minds, with butt hurt ego's...

I was paranoid about my keys (when I first joined the crypto circus)
I wrote them down , physically - and my girlfriend also did the same (separately).
We double checked them up to make sure - All matched up.

And then my account said the keys were not correct when I tried to log in - and that was the end of that account. (not much in token value fortunately).

6 ETH ? - that must hurt...ouch.
I hate hearing of people being scammed through no fault of their own. (or even if it is, sometimes! )

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Wait! Cry!
Should you? Why not!
Just don't cry alone. Find a partner. 😔

This incident looks like it happened just yesterday. Memories of sad nature, filled with lessons to learn from. I wonder why some people find joy in making others cry. All because of worldly gains that we'd later leave on Earth.

I think I had some funds (1ups and little Eth) in my trust wallet hacked on October 30th last year. Maybe I get to borrow this new friend and have fun perusing the txs that occured. (that's if I can still find the wallet keys in the trash).

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

remember it??? just like yesterday - huh!!!! i know...

exactly how I see it too. they steal it all and really what for???
what for?!!?!

for nothing. for pain. and greed. and destruction.

sad. so many have been hacked - but... we have learned and grown and moved on!!!

andyes - ill find a crying partner in you please hehehe we will cry together :)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

That is just stomach-turning but you know I also had lost many cryptos due to bad trade, it is part of the journey and we have to accept it and move on with our lives because not all things are in our control and learn.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

hehehe they say a cowboy isn't really a cowboy until he's been kicked off the horse. but then he gets back on :)

thanks for your comment hehehehe

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

It is indeed included in the soup 😉
What matters is that I/we are not broke and we can make money out from the internet, what more can we ask for?

We are in the realm of the crypto world where it is just amazing how it can change our lives for the better though of course a level of safety should be observed because online life is not a cake walk because there is a lot of danger so we have to make our trust super special and should be given to only those that truly deserved it online and in the "real" world 😉

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I can't agree more with this!!!

we are BLESSED to earn from our writings! its amazing - and so many dont' know about it! hahahaha wow.. we are "early" I guess (even though i always feel late lol)

and yes - my trust is earned! hehehe

If you keep watching those wallets at some point they are likely to make a mistake. So many think block chain offers freedom, but in actuality it is an unforgiving record just waiting for one to slip up and reveal something that serves as an unalterable testament for all time.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I'm sure they would... but I reported this to the FBI. A 10 page report...
Nothing was done.

I guess they feel like if we are taking a risk by using crypto - then we aren't worth the time to help.

I've moved on because I had to... but I've taken every lesson with me to build the next portion of the journey! :)

The FBI doesn't look out for the welfare of the majority, they are there to neutralize threats to the establishment, as well as creating narratives that establishment wishes the peasants to believe.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  


  ·  3 years ago  ·  

This peasant is now fully aware of that... LOL