Crypto, Blurt and Life; Sometimes You Just Have to Be Very Very Patient!

in crypto •  last year 

If there is one thing I don't really like about the Cryptosphere it would be the excessive emphasis on "instant riches" that often dominates the landscape.


I suppose such a sentiment isn't isolated to crypto, mind you.

We live in a "shortening" world, where everything from information, to entertainment, to investing, to life itself seems to get cut into ever smaller bits... meaning we have less and less time for each bit.

"Wen Moon?" and "Wen Lambo?" has replaced actual investing.

Certain things in life simply take time.

Sure, there definitely are those who get lucky and strike it rich in a very short time, thanks to fortunate timing or being in the right spot for an airdrop.

But much as we might like to think otherwise, it's not something we can budget our grocery bill after, and that's the point, isn't it?


Even though everything might be "shortening," our lives are actually getting longer (on average!) and we need to keep eating, and keep having a place to live for all that time.

Meanwhile, people freak out every time there's a piece of news and BTC takes a dive, or BTC shoots skywards.

None/few of those blips are in any way sustainable. But stretch your chart out to 10 years and draw a trend line... and you have a better idea of where things are heading. And most likely, that'll only represent one eighth of your life!


Of course, requirement number one is that the projects you're following are not one-time pie-in-the-sky... but something that's actually sustainable enough to last those 10 years.

According to the little note at the top of my profile, we all got started with Blurt in July 2020. That's a little over 2 1/2 years ago. Considered a little differently, it's ONE QUARTER of one of those 10-year periods. Even the original Steemit is barely getting to seven years old.

This is a nascent industry. We have a looong way to go.

Best we just be very very patient!

Thanks for reading and have a great weekend!

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Sequence: 069 — Timestamp: 2023.03.17 - 21:35 PST

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