Another Year Comes to a Close - So Now What?

in crypto •  2 years ago 

It has been quite a while since I last checked in here... ended up poking around a bit today after discovering that my bookmark to (which was the front end I previously used) now just leads to a domain name reseller.

Winter is here!

It has certainly been a difficult year in the cryptosphere... hard to believe that at this time last year, Blurt tokens were trading for about 3 cents... or more than ten times what they are worth on today's market. Yikes!

Even though I was one of the fairly early adopters with respect to crypto — in general — even I am beginning to wonder whether we're just going to see a long slow slide towards complete valuelessness, in which is it only the blockchain technology that survives and thrives, but the idea of making money simply from tokens vanishes like morning fog before the sun.

Or maybe doesn't vanish, but assumes a role of simply being a medium of exchange (similar to fiat) in which the focus is on buying groceries and paying for hamburgers, not on having a potential moonbag.

Between a rock and a hard place...?

Perhaps that would actually be a healthier paradigm to be part of... go back to making money from actually making things and get paid in borderless feeless crypto.

I still like that idea, and it was pretty much what got me involved, in the first place. Sadly, that kind of idealism seems to have been replaced with conventional "Wall Street Greed," Bernie Madoff Sam Bankman-Fried style.

Well... just poking my nose in to see whether Blurt is still alive...

Thanks for reading and have a great remainder of 2022!

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Sequence: 067 — Timestamp: 2022.12.29 - 15:31 PST

All content and photos by the author unless otherwise specified — this is UNIQUE content, created expressly for this platform. NO CROSS-POSTING!

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Hopefully decentralized finance will help stem the tide of endless "Wall Street Greed," that appears to be fueled by bad regulations leading to arbitrage opportunities, leveraged trading and the use of other peoples crypto for personal gain. At some point the tide may turn.

Idealistically I think we are making a product of sorts and we are not using a large amount of the worlds resources in doing so.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Places like Blurt, Hive and Dtube are awesome if you are happy with earning a few hundred or thousand dollars a month…. The idea of becoming a Billionaire with Crypto might be over, but I’m pretty happy earning a few extra thousand dollars a month to help put my kids through University. Maybe someday Hive and Blurt will go to the moon … like $1 …. 😂 ♦️ 🤬 🌙 The main thing is to have some fun. … Blogging on Blurt is a lot of fun. The monthly income $$$ is a bonus.