Hive Price is on Fibonacci Support Level

in crypto •  2 years ago 

Whole Crypto Market is bleeding, Hive price is solid and sitting on Fibonacci support level. Most of altcoins is falling down. Hive is stronger.

It is good to see Hive price on support line. Hive price is an indicator for me to look cryptomarket.

Ekran Resmi 20220501 01.14.28.png

I was expecting to see Hive price in 0.70 USD in the bottom of cryptomarket. But Fibonacci 0.786 is great support level that is great support for Hive price.

There is no danger until seeing Hive price below 0.70 USD.

Ekran Resmi 20220501 01.38.17.png

If we see Hive price below 0.70 USD, I will be certain that we are in mega bearish season for cryptomarket.

May will be one of the most important month. We will see...

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  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Well, we hope it stands the test of the bearish trends..
Great information, Thank you.