EverGrow Coin Listed on IndaCoin - Reached 43K Holders!

in crypto •  3 years ago 

I shared lots of post in a month about EverGrow Coin. I am sorry for repeating myself.. But i wanted to inform you about potential next Shiba Inu...

EverGrow Coin is 34 days old token that I met with it 32 days ago. After reading whitepaper (http://evergrowcoin.com) and searching infos I believed that this project will surpass Safemoon and will be very popular. It has great tokenomics and team...

I am also happy that lots of Leofinance readers joined EverGrow Army. @steliosfan and @cryptomaniacsgr is one of them. I am happy to see that My articles in Leofinance are read with interest.

Today EverGrow Coin is listed on Indacoin. You can buy EGC by your credit card.

Ekran Resmi 20211029 00.33.39.png

It is the first exchange that 3 exhchanges are on the way. Bitmart and 2 more exhachange will list EGC... I hope one of them will be Gateio!

After this news EverGrow coin is going to the moon!

Ekran Resmi 20211029 00.37.04.png

It is amazing to get passive income BUSD by holding EGC!

EverGrow distributed 7M BUSD to the holders. I got 3K USD in a month!

Ekran Resmi 20211029 00.37.51.png

You can get more information what EverGrow Coin is in my older posts...

It reached 43K holders today and I think I will reach 100K holders in 10 days...

Dont be late...

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