EverGrow Coin is The New SafeMoon? - Passive Income By Holding

in crypto •  3 years ago 

EverGrow Coin is one of the newest deflationary token designed to become more scarce over time. All holders of EverGrow Coin will earn an 8% reward from every Buy/Sell Transaction in USDT, which is automatically sent to your wallet by simply holding $EGC in your wallet.

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Safemoon made lots of people rich who invested at first.

EGC is deflationary token as Safemoon and may be same hyped.. Tokenization of EGC is deflationary and also makes passive income for holders..

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Unique Features of EverGrow Coin:
2% Automatic Liquidity: When you trade EGC on pancakeswap, 2% of every transaction is sent for maintaining liquidity.

3% Strategic Buy-Back Reserve: 3% of trade volume is allocated to the strategic buy-back reserve. It is not active now but will be active and buy-back will support the price... There are two BuyBack mechanisms: The first, Moonshot, is a significant buyback that is carefully executed at certain times, resulting in a giant green candle on the chart. It will be used when the chart requires it the most. The AutoBoost Buy-Back System kicks in when the volume is low and modest purchases are made to deter early sellers. This ensures a healthy burn and that the price per token will rise each time the buyback is enabled.

1% Marketing Support: It will hold for marketing. Need more investor.

8% Reward to Holders: This part really interested me. 8% of every transaction is automatically redistributed as prize money in their USDT wallet to all token holders. I love passive income and bought 27,000,000,000 EGC token (for bought 160 USD) and I got 4 BUSD in 19 hours... Volume was really high and I got more passive income I think.

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This income for 4 hours by holding 154,568,133,267 EGC Token (2K USd valued)

Amazing passive income!

2K holders yet. I was about 970th holder...
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I met with EverGrow Coin yesterday and I bought a few coin by selling my SPS to increase the number of tokens...

Yesterday is the first day of EverGrow can be traded on pancakeswap and is also first day to be listed on CoinGecko...

After I bought, EGC went to the moon...
A Correction seemed on the chart today and I bought again in discounted price...

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As I said that it is just listed on CoinGecko. Coinmarketcap is on the way... and also new exchanges as Gate.io

Marketcap is only $6,860,398 and Lots of potential compared to Safeemoon. I will hold for 50x! I will earn passive income in this time...

You can also check main page of token https://evergrowcoin.com/ read whitepaper and ECOSYSTEM...

Team is focus on this title and ecosystem will be on...

  • NFT Lending
  • NFT Marketplace
  • Subscription Platform
  • Staking Pools
  • Play-to-Earn Game
  • Dapp and Swap Exchange

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This is not a financial advice. It is a momery that maybe I will read this post a few months later..You can try it best buying level.

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