Vitalik Shills POS on Mainnet 2022

in crypto •  2 years ago 

It really is interesting watching Vitalik keep shilling his POS ideas.

Ethereum Cofounder Vitalik Buterin Wants Dogecoin, Zcash to Move to Proof-of-Stake

This exchange with Zcash founder Zooko, from 2018, is funny.

I was waiting to see Ethereum go Proof-of-Stake first to see what goes wrong.

This recent response is darker:

"You're right you can't put privacy into the [Ethereum] base layer in the next five years. I don't know if you're right that [the attempt to] re-decentralise the block producer ecosystem is going to be successful," says @zooko, noting his skepticism.

"RE-decentralisation" is only needed if the chain has become UN-decentralised, an ugly double-negative that just means an admission that the chain is now under centralised control.

I just thought that was Ethereum's actual AIM, but maybe too many users have finally woken up to what a POS really means. And, you cannot put the the genie back in the bottle - though I think Pandora's box is a more apposite metaphor.

I cannot, as yet, find the current Mainnet 2022 video, but here is their exchange in the 2021 event.

IMO, POS needs to turn into something far more complex and subtle to avoid becoming the target for anybody to take over. It's not so much open-source but also open-sale; for control of the present is also control of the future.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

He who controls the Chain 🤬

Controls the Multiverse 🥓

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

it gets worse.
SEC trying to claim that majority nodes in the USA means the chain comes under US authority!
Who saw that one coming!? lmao

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

They want IT to be money and make em rich 🤬

Meanwhile they can't keep they're own children safe 🥓