US Treasury General Account dwindles to critical levels

in crypto •  last year 

US Treasury General Account dwindles to critical levels with less than $50B remaining

The U.S. Treasury General Account (TGA) continues to be depleted; as of May 24, it had just $49 billion left in its coffers.

The Treasury’s General Account is the primary operating account for the United States government that services daily expenses.

Worth looking at the FRED chart - indeed, the whole site has much interesting data that just cannot hide the ways the Fed - a private cartel - is able to suck the financial life out of the host nation.

These are the last days of fiat ponzinomics based on debt. The scam has worked for about 100 years, but just like many crypto ponzis, you can't keep printing tokens that are guaranteed to lose value. But even if the nationhood project fails, the banksters walk away bigger and fatter and meaner - to play again.

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  ·  last year  ·  

lol. great comment:

*terms and conditions may apply

Huge mathematical con assigning "risk-free" status to govscum debt - the risk isn't in defaulting, it's in the pricing!
Bah! "prudent" merchant bankers.

  ·  last year  ·  

“The world is now in the hands of the banking institutions,” says G. Edward Griffin, author of Creature from Jekyll Island and founder of the Red Pill University. He argues that large banks have become so powerful that they are now “regulating the governments.” When it comes to the banking crisis, he says that it has been with us for a long time and “might really change our lives in the near future.” He concludes that investors will eventually lose their freedom of choice in the market because we’re moving towards a cashless society. “It’s not our money, we don’t own it,” he says.


  ·  last year  ·  

Griffin is good, but he avoids the pivotal key concept = programmable money.
He does describe the consequences of such a thing, but isn't explicit that this is the key difference between "digital money" which we already use compared to a CBDC.

programmable money means that money is no longer a neutral medium of exchange; it becomes a functional money with rules that will govern how you can use it. That's the coming tyranny.

  ·  last year  ·  

Not sure why the interview is split into two, but here's the rest...

more about the Fed - a private cartel that has sucked the juice out of the USA.
That is the function of every central bank (with very rare exceptions) - to use fabricated fiat money to screw each nation state and to convert that money into resources and power to control.

  ·  last year  ·  

once the parasite has grown so fat as to kill its host, it needs to find a new one.
then feast on that one.

  ·  last year  ·  

G. Edward Griffin website =

Red Pill University =
with Red Pill Expo 2023

... the great letdown.

  ·  last year  ·  

1% ideologues
3% propagandists
15% agitators
recipe for a revolution
pretty much the antifa-blm model.
one thing missing
lots of money
and courage

  ·  last year  ·  

most people wait for a miracle, either divine or political - anything to avoid doing something.
a messiah complex is a paralysing of the mind.

  ·  last year  ·  
