US Treasury considers bypassing Congress to help banksters

in crypto •  last year 

US Treasury considers 100% backstop of bank deposits

The Treasury Department is looking at ways to support smaller banks. Bloomberg reported that staff at the Treasury are considering an unprecedented guarantee of all US bank deposits, including account balances exceeding the FDIC’s $250,000 insurance limit. The guarantee could, if approved, cover deposits at US banks of all sizes, including regional and community banks.


The House of Representatives’ Freedom Caucus opposed the move, saying it would encourage banks to continue engaging in risky behavior at public expense.

and yet,

Regardless, the Treasury is studying legal avenues that could bypasss Congress altogether on such an initiative. It’s looking for the fastest path to establish an emergency guarantee facility in order to support banks facing bank runs that could harm their ability to fulfill withdrawal requests.

A captured gov, installed after a stolen election, in cahoots with a captured bankster agency and "regulator" will drain the country of all it has - had.

Watch the USD rates.

All of which was highly predictable given the rapid Fed rate rises - simple cause and effect.

Instead of helping the Treasury by forcing banks to sell their stupid bets on bonds, so the gov can now buy those bonds back cheaply, no, the Fed is a bankster-friend, it shafts the Treasury - its boss - and the people instead.

That the Treasury agrees to this, even bypassing Congress if need be, is yet more proof of how far away they are from the little people. They dare not call this treason.

We could go back some 150 years and US states could issue their own state currencies.

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  ·  last year  ·  

The Fed increases its hypocrisy by 25 points

understand when you're being shafted.

  ·  last year  ·  

I did say to watch the USD rate
oh dear, down 1% within minutes.