UN ITU AI for Good

in crypto •  last year 

ITU AI For Good Global Summit 2023 Press conference (Unedited)

"AI for Good" has a double meaning in English.

This push for AI-for-all strikes me as the perfect "plausible deniability" for the scum who want this everywhere. When AI fucks up, who's to blame?

Also, ITU is the captured UN agency that will lie to your face about the safety of pulsed microwaves as they oversee the slow death of many species who are forced to adapt to these forced synthetic signals.

Enjoy the propaganda.

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  ·  last year  ·  

more fun-ai

the voiceover sounds like a bot, especially the jagged editing.

  ·  last year  ·  

building the future - you're just not in it.


  ·  last year  ·  

Web3 VC Funding Takes a Nosedive: Crunchbase Data Shows 76% Drop

While crypto startups failed to generate interest among venture capital firms, artificial-intelligence (AI) startups continue to witness exponential growth.

new shiny thing.

  ·  last year  ·  

They even admit they "don't know how it works", in the sense that they don't know how the algos come to some conclusions - 100% plausible deniability when it screws up big time. It is also designed to flatten dissent, propagate the mainstream narrative - over and over again. Some can adjust their logic, but only for you, so you can end up in a bubble. Most humans will believe anything, and that is a huge problem.

  ·  last year  ·  

the bubble is global.
you already see people using an AI ejaculation as "proof of truth" - true mindless imbeciles who then won't double-check such outputs.

  ·  last year  ·  

The biggest issue I have with all this is the way it all seems like just another piece in a greater "story arc" that revolves around getting human beings to think less and less... because someone/something else is doing the thinking for us.

And most people are happy about that, because it means less "work" for them.

As far as I can tell, that can only end badly, and ultimately that movie "Idiocracy" will become spot-on...

  ·  last year  ·  

But imagine Idiocracy and Surrogates together!
At that point, I don't see the point of keeping so many semi-humans alive - and that seems a large part of the agenda.
Self-extinction has got to be a flaw in the species. That so many appear to welcome this - as you say - is in itself barely-human.

This is deeply disturbing...

  ·  last year  ·  

Almost everything is now killing us - the air, water, food, drugs, pulsed microwaves, other EMFs, other people - that to reverse this requires a strength of will, a will to power perhaps, that I just don't see. And what was "killing us slowly", to extract both health and wealth, is accelerating and manifest... except... so many still don't (won't) see it. The "dead suddenly" data is being scrubbed every day.