Retail Crypto Investors Have Lost Money Says BIS

in crypto •  2 years ago 

Bankster keep shilling the superiority of "sophisticated" investors at the expense of the lowly retail buyers.

Rags to Riches, Riches to Rags: Retail Crypto Price-Chasing Loses Money, BIS Report

the report: BIS Bulletin No. 69, Crypto shocks and retail losses

Their "solution" will be to limit crypto exposure to retail clinets; you know, to protect them from their own stupidity. My concern here is that their only measure of "accredited investor" is how much money they have to start with. Rich people have also lost fortunes in crypto! How smart or sophisticated are they!?

That most people are incredibly greedy and stupid is a sad fact of the species; there is no need for crypto to show this. Place a ponzi in front of a punter and they duly salivate.

The data presented is interesting, but all it proves is that most people are suckers and follow the shills rather than the markets. There are economic models of this behaviour, showing that "rational actors" are always in the minority and can do nothing to stop bubbles - of any sort - unless they are stronger than the shills.

Their conclusions:

To ensure the stability of the financial system, societies must decide on the appropriate policy response to address risks in crypto before they become systemic. They should preferably act in a globally coordinated way. Options include banning specific crypto activities, containing crypto, regulating the sector or a combination of these (Aquilina et al (2023)). Containment may prevent risks in crypto from spilling over to the real economy and traditional financial system. The appropriate mix of measures will be needed to promote market integrity, investor protection and financial stability.

Usual bankster mantra: we control the money, you are allowed the crumbs.

And this is also true of perfectly regulated financial products; recall any boom cycle, and then also remember the subsequent fall. Look at those regulated crypto funds now closing down. No fraud needed to lose money - shit happens all the time. Who is to blame then? Yep, the same banksters who fabricate a synthetic inflation to then raise interest rates that then crush real businesses and assets. Who is sophisticated enough to see that!?

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

forgot this link:
Aquilina, M, J Frost and A Schrimpf (2023): “Addressing the risks in crypto: laying out the options”, BIS Bulletin, no 66, January.

This is true:

The crypto ecosystem and the “shadow financial” functions it engages in, through centralised financial entities (CeFi) and decentralised finance (DeFi) protocols, share many of the vulnerabilities that are familiar from traditional finance (TradFi). But several factors exacerbate the standard risks. These relate to high leverage, liquidity and maturity mismatches and substantial information asymmetries.

And those features are issues that the crypto community is just way too late in addressing themselves without the "helping hand" of malicious regulators.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

hah! no info asymmetries with the central banksters in charge!
and, almost-zero-reserve banking is NOT high leverage?
fuckin liars, all of them.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

still pumping this - in the crypto press - jeez, chained news.

Majority of Retail Bitcoin Investors Likely Lost Money in Last 7 Years, Finds BIS Report

majority + likely = don't really know

7 years!? when BTC was like $500? Maybe losers in the last 3 years, but then extending it to 7 years is just fake data to prop up a fake reality.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Protect me from the freedom to fuckup and the freedom to learn from my mistakes.

So, is altruism supposed to be profitable?