As the Metaverse is “not yet set,” according to Micaela Mantegna, an affiliate at Harvard University’s Berkman Klein Center, and, owing to this, it could still be possible to reduce the toxicity, harassment and hatred which have spread across the web and social media.
The Internet Is Ruined. The Metaverse Can Still Be Saved
Any system using algorithms, for example, is vulnerable to bias, whether it impacts economically disadvantaged users, people of color, marginalized communities, or others.
Forget the woketard labels, everybody is affected.
“How are we going to ensure we are not being manipulated in these spaces?” Mantegna says.
We're NOT.
It all boils down to monetising the metaworse - it is, and will become, yet another extraction service. Therefore, the only users worth having are those who have some worth to extract, thereby making the oh-so-heartfelt appeals to the bankless and marginalised sound all the more hollow.
All that will happen is that user actions will move from territorial jurisdictions to corporate ones. How is that progress?
Second Life has existed for years, before the metaworse became a meme.
It has the longest experience of what really happens.
Humans just get worse when there are few consequences - hence metaworse.