Majority of Americans ‘frustrated’ by financial system inequalities yet only 20% hold crypto

in crypto •  2 years ago 

Americans ‘frustrated’ by financial system inequality, 20% own crypto: Survey

The actual Coinbase survey: New survey of 2,000+ American adults suggests 20% own crypto and the vast majority see an urgent need to update the financial system.

Tl:dr: A February 2023 national survey of 2000+ general population respondents commissioned by Coinbase and conducted by Morning Consult, suggests that the vast majority of Americans want to see the financial system updated and they believe crypto can be a powerful part of the solution. Coinbase is committed to partnering with policymakers and traditional finance to make that a reality. As a next step, Coinbase plans to launch an integrated public education campaign that aims to shed light on the everyday challenges faced by consumers and the role that crypto can play in a broader effort to update the system.

That is typical of social survey skew. Look at the numbers carefully. They also tell us that a majority of those who tell us they think the financial system needs a major overhaul DON'T own any crypto. So what are they talking about? Are they believers the "great reset" will come to their rescue?

One thing rings true.

80% of Americans think the global financial system unfairly favors powerful interests.

But this:

The data makes clear that the public is ahead of policymakers when it comes to the role crypto can play in helping to update a financial system.

No it doesn't! It shows that the vast majority haven't put their money where their mouth is. 80% see a problem yet only 20% own crypto - assuming an overlap, that's 25% of those 80%. That means 75% of those 80% are doing... what exactly?

There is als a pdf version of the findings: Cryptocurrency Perception Study

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While I think more people should own crypto, I would be shocked if ownership were really as high as 20%. I suspect it is much lower still.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

yeah, many many years ago I worked for a market research company and, true to NLP theories, you can get the answers you want just by how the questions are phrased.

I think this "financial update" has more to do with all the news propaganda about the "financial crisis" and "great reset" than any awareness of how deeply corrupt the money supply truly is.

Also, +2000 people is borderline valid. lol.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

problem - reaction - solution

like so many global social surveys - humans largely clueless and hoping for a messiah to follow.