Living on Bitcoin

in crypto •  last year 

Exec shares process of setting up a business in Switzerland with Bitcoin

Pietro Poretti, the city of Lugano’s director of the economic development division, said that their goal is to allow people to live in the city using only Bitcoin.

That's nice.

According to Poretti, Bitcoin can now be used as capital to set up companies in Lugano. The executive said that businesses can set up shop if they have a minimum of 100,000 Swiss Franc (CHF), about $116,000 USD in Bitcoin, to register a company. Firms would initially need to deposit the amount in Bitcoin to go through the process of having their companies established in the city.

That's not.

Also, Bitcoin aligns with Swiss values — Head of Lugano’s Plan

What are those values?

Zanganeh added that the Swiss are typically “strong on individual sovereignty and financial privacy”, which creates overlaps between the values of Swiss culture and those of the Bitcoin movement:

“We have regular articles in newspapers where we touch on different aspects of Bitcoin and financial liberty. We try to reach people interested in financial freedom and freedom of speech. Maybe they don’t know how Bitcoin plays a role there.”

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  ·  last year  ·  

This Is How Much Bitcoin (BTC) Has Been Lost Forever: ITB Data

On-chain data examined by blockchain analytics firm IntoTheBlock has revealed that roughly 29% of all bitcoins (BTC) in circulation have remained unmoved for more than five years.

I'd have to see the data; that doesn't mean such "dormant" accounts are dead.

  ·  last year  ·  

Why Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) Aren’t Moving? What is the Latest Data?

less fear? more petrified!

  ·  11 months ago  ·  

Bollinger bands narrowing - breakout soon.
Either way.

The Dark Side Of Blockchain: ISIS And Supporters Use Crypto For Fundraising?

TRM Labs, a blockchain intelligence firm, recently published a report on the increasing use of crypto assets by terror organizations.

erm... terror groups are intelligence agency assets.

original "report" = TRM Finds Mounting Evidence of Crypto Use by ISIS and its Supporters in Asia

  ·  11 months ago  ·  

secret service terrorist assets use crypto to make crypto look bad - but on weekdays they prefer greenbacks.