Gensler Pro-Crypto Lecture Comes to Haunt Him

in crypto •  last year 

Download this before it gets removed. It's been up for some 4 years, but now it has gained some attention as illuminating the hypocrisy of Gary the Goose, and his lack of following through on any insights he might once have had.

Gary Gensler’s old pro-Algorand video ignites debate amid unregistered security claims

In the video, Gensler praised Algorand as a “great technology” and considered the possibility of integrating an Uber or Lyft-like application on its platform.

However, in the SEC’s April 17 lawsuit against cryptocurrency trading platform Bittrex, Algorand was one of six tokens accused of being an unregistered security.

Yeah, but a mere academic can mouth off all sorts of crazy ideas; now he's SEC chair and has to obey orders from above.

Here is an equally bizarre quote:

I'm in a classroom, I say the students, your children will not recognize a Federal Reserve Note. Now, I mean I'm hoping their children aren't in the kind of the drug trade or something, but I think 20 years from now, 30 years from now, I'll say most people will not recognize coins and physical notes; we've dematerialized money.

Uncomfortable chortling from the crowd. So, he admits that dollar bills are the main currency for illicit trade - not crypto?

The whole lecture is about how important FinTech is, in stark contrast to the SEC's murderous assaults on crypto.

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  ·  last year  ·  

as always suspected

  ·  last year  ·  

Testimony of Chair Gary Gensler
Before the United States House of Representatives
Committee on Financial Services
April 18, 2023

This is his written testimony.
The grilling comes soon...

  ·  last year  ·  

some interesting snippets...

Private fund advisers and the funds they manage play an increasingly important role in our
capital markets. With more than $25 trillion of gross assets under management, private funds now
have surpassed the size of our entire $23 trillion commercial banking system.

remember that this testimony is NOT only about crypto.

Two core motivations for Rayburn and Roosevelt in enacting the securities laws [in 1933 and 1934] were the lack of market integrity and disclosure. The markets were rife with fraud and manipulation. Investors lacked full, fair, and truthful disclosures from issuers.

Note that this is 20 years AFTER the creation of the Federal Reserve. Sure, the central banksters were not charged with... regulating themselves...erm, they were, and failed, and hence the SEC was created. Laughable nonsense that banksters are somehow upstanding creatures.

  ·  last year  ·  

posted this before, but here again

in under an hour from now.

  ·  last year  ·  

The Chair, McHenry, kicks off with crypto!!
Let's listen to the goose.
"weaponising the SEC's agenda..."

  ·  last year  ·  

one of those weapons is the climate scam - lots of woketard climate shills wasting time here - so, if people are creating climate risk, then that means climate scam is real. ffs

  ·  last year  ·  

yeah, and many of the woketards in the House seem to have marginal grasp of language - just feel their feelings!
Whenever Gary gets singed, they come in to soothe his burns.

This is precisely how beliefs have an effect, even when the beliefs are false.

  ·  last year  ·  

Similar psych-scam to kovid - scare the shit outta people with fake deaths - here you force people to calculate "climate risk", even if near-zero, so just by going through the process the brain starts believing it to be real - coz it has real effects, costly effects, hence must be real.

Pathologising the weather.

  ·  last year  ·  


but even squirming comes to an end.

  ·  last year  ·  

Deaton responds

waiting for the hearing to conclude.

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