Former Goldman Exec Says ‘Clear’ Bull Trend for Crypto and Tech

in crypto •  last year 

"It can't be clearer."

Well, look at the far left of the BTC chart and you will see how far off-trend BTC can actually go!

"Inflation" is not one thing; it is an adjective in search of a noun. Consumer price inflation is not the same as monetary inflation - and both can be manipulated for different reasons.

This is the Exponential Age video that many are quoting.

Amazing how some people believe this while they also believe the Malthusian population catastrophism. Makes no sense. Is also a lame keyword; just because something is rising does not make it exponential.

The video is 2 years old, and does say a few truths about the fragility of the manipulated financial system run by banksters. More people need to wake up and smell the big lie - before it poisons them. There are so many big lies that it takes a very determined blindness to ignore them all. EMF pulses can do that.

Stop blaming "governments" as they are just another captured agency by banksters. You can't hit a target when you're not even aiming at it.

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  ·  last year  ·  

Some interesting analysis in the video, but there always seems something missing - some deep level of cynicism that most cannot fathom. lmao.
For any independent analyst, need to sift through what is manifestly true and what has been missed.
Markets are NOT efficient - that's just propaganda - so they don't process all the info until it is too late.

  ·  last year  ·  

clear bull trend obviously doesn't impress Canada...
Canada’s Crypto Exodus: Bybit Walks Away
OKX and Binance already left the building.

  ·  last year  ·  

watch what I've been saying - the Fed is there to fuck the Treasury!

keep playing stupid games while the game of life screws you. You can't restart it when game over.

  ·  last year  ·  

Note that this is only the USA, but as the elephant in the room it can still make a mess of the furniture.
Look at similar data for your own country. Especially those countries not in the same cycle of monetary destruction.

  ·  last year  ·  

crypto crapto.

Ron DeSantis Posturing On Bitcoin Is Just Performative Politics

more like posture politics; but then again, isn't it all!

  ·  last year  ·  

woketards come to crypto. read this rant.

He is posturing when he proclaims himself a friend to Bitcoiners. Because while the Bitcoin ethos embraces decentralization, self-sovereignty, and freedom from censorship, you can be sure that Ron DeSantis stands for none of these ideals.

(He may say he does: But the effects of his bills include banning books and restricting access to education, which is not advocating for freedom from censorship.)

and then this response:

Of the 175 books removed across the state, 164 (94%) were removed from media centers, and 153 (87%) were identified as pornographic, violent, or inappropriate for their grade level.

Woketard propaganda good, everything else bad.

Fact: Books found by parents in Florida schools:
Gender Queer: A Memoir – an explicit, pornographic book showing sex acts.
Flamer – a graphic book about young boys performing sexual acts at a summer camp.
This Book Is Gay – a book containing instructions on “the ins and outs of gay sex.”
Let’s Talk About It – a book that contains graphic depictions about how to masturbate for males and females.

who is Jon Rice anyway?

Jon is a staunch advocate for diversity, inclusion and equal opportunity in the blockchain industry...

How nice of him.
While Blockcworks claims to maintain a"non-biased, non-tribal view of crypto." Yeah, right.
Believe nothing.