Effective Altruism Handlers Influence on SBF

in crypto •  2 years ago 

How Effective Altruism Power Brokers Helped Make Sam Bankman-Fried

We're slowly creeping towards the real SBF handlers.

Academic philosophers covered for Sam Bankman-Fried’s moral failings as long ago as 2018 – and reaped the rewards.

But brains are not enough - also need the power of money.

The leading so-called philosophers of the Effective Altruism movement were warned as early as 2018 that Sam Bankman-Fried was a liar who slept with multiple subordinates, according to new reporting from Time. They reportedly responded in part by threatening those warning the golden boy wasn’t all he seemed.


According to a recent profile of MacAskill in the New Yorker, effective altruists worldwide now control roughly $30 billion in philanthropic funds.

These stories seem to always stop at William MacAskill, an Oxford philosopher, yet rarely go to the source of the "effective altruism" idea. This starts with Peter Singer, also a philosopher but at Princeton.

and an analysis,

It struck me that Singer's ideas are thoroughly Jewish, closely related to tzedakah; read this simple guide, Jewish Philanthropy: The Concept of Tzedakah. The big difference is that such philanthropy is directed towards one's own tribe, one's own people.

Follow the logic, and you'll see what I call moral materialism. The "affluent societies" are not very affluent in human self-knowledge; they have been captured by a moral tyranny and self-loathing. Such affluence is also very temporary, as we are seeing, and to push some moral-debt based on a person's bank account is not a moral argument at all.

In short, Singer is a philosophical scammer in the same mould as Marx and Freud - and many others - who are the ideologues of wokism and the ESG tyranny now enforced on corporations, and hence on the sleeping population. He is a peddler of moral materialism, a form of communism for those not blessed with living in a communist world. His influence is just a signal of our world moving towards corporate communism.

The ideas advanced by MacAskill and his cohort have long been lambasted as a convenient fig leaf helping rapacious capitalists distract others, and themselves, from their exploitative greed. FTX became the literal instantiation of that theoretical critique, demonstrating a profound rot at the heart of the Effective Altruism movement – or perhaps more accurately, a palsy-inducing tumor in its head.

Right, but blame Singer, not his puppet MacAskill. OK, blame both!

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

hah! I was not wrong.

Marx: A Very Short Introduction
Peter Singer

Marx was a freedom lover! lmfao

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

The philosophical scam is to label some material inequality with a force for redistribution - thoroughly communist idea.

Watch how the scum-corps of the world pay lip-service to ESG mandates and climate-scam projects while paying themselves huge bonuses for being so woke - note also that their "effective" altruism includes bribing politicians and capturing regulatory agencies - all thoroughly effective, and with zero altruism.