Do institutions even need DeFi?

in crypto •  last year 

DeFi has a trust gap. What can rebuild its credibility?

Did it ever have any? Most of Uniswap is filled with scammy yield farm ponzi pools - so, firstly, remove those as any credible fintech.

A recent JPMorgan Chase survey showed 72% of institutional investors have “no plans” to trade crypto or digital coins, with many citing the industry’s volatility as a repellent. On the other hand, Wall Street fixtures seem to be stepping off the sidelines to explore crypto or reaffirming their blockchain investments, indicating that interest still remains.

Whats a "fixture"? Anyway, Goldman Sucks explain further: Crypto markets are undergoing a ‘flight to quality,’ says Goldman Sachs digital assets chief

And that's true in two ways: a flight to quality assets; and the sifting through quality algorithms.

The quality of those automated algorithms are what, I hope, will define a NewDefi. Of course, you can always play in the casino-pools, but you really have to know what you're doing.

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  ·  last year  ·  

€50 Billion German Giant Adds Crypto to Global Fund

Hansainvest, one of the biggest financial services company in Europe with €55 billion in assets under management, has added crypto to their Wealthgate Multi Asset fund.

Hansainvest revealed they have added the BIT Global Crypto Leaders to Wealthgate.

Wealthgate’s exposure to the BIT Global Crypto fund is fairly small at just €76,000 out of €30 million, but it is the first fund of its kind to have any crypto exposure at all in Europe, and one of the first in the world.

  ·  last year  ·  

The TradFi vs. DeFi rivalry is hitting a new peak — and that’s bad for everyone

As for professionals in traditional finance, my advice is to find the TradFi-experienced DeFi players and learn from them. Crypto is not the enemy. It’s the next evolution of finance. And now is the time to engage with crypto finance. If TradFi institutions don’t use this opportunity to embrace innovation and gain the lead in the blockchain revolution, they will forfeit their advantage and soon fall behind.
but then,

Ultimately, pitting DeFi and TradFi against each other is detrimental to building a stable and sustainable financial system for all. After all, this is ultimately everyone’s shared goal.

How nice! I thought the goal was global financial control.

  ·  last year  ·  

Centralized intermediaries were cause of crypto failures in 2022, says Voorhees

If there was a lesson from the crypto implosions of 2022, it is the demonstration of the superiority of open code and decentralization over central intermediaries, argues Voorhees at DC Blockchain Summit.

Not true. That centralised scum are bad does not make "decentralised" good - it is becoming a ball and chain that itself needs to be severed.
The link has transcript of a panel discussion.

  ·  last year  ·  

Banks are bringing systemic risks to crypto, says Circle’s Disparte
The recent U.S. bank failures are proof that the banking system is introducing systemic risks to the crypto industry, not vice versa, says Circle chief strategy officer Dante Disparte.

Brilliant middle-finger to the banksters and especially captured regulators not doing their job - or doing it all too well, in favour of their bankster brethren.

  ·  last year  ·  

This is very funny.
the skumsters have taken decades to capture every financial agency - will take a war to remove them.