Digital Dystopias

in crypto •  11 months ago 

Bank of Korea to Explore CBDC Testing in Selected Regions Outside Seoul

The Bank of Korea (BoK) is making headway in its quest to develop and test its central bank digital currency (CBDC). According to a new report from the country’s local news outlet, the bank has selected three regions for the “private target CBDC test bed” outside Seoul, the capital of South Korea. The chosen cities for the closed CBDC pilot program are Jeju, Busan, and Incheon.

Chinese city implements plan for blockchain digital infrastructure system by 2025

The update says that the plans have been formulated in order to serve the “strategic goal” of Shanghai’s urban digital transformation, along with strengthening the application of blockchain in the economy, public service and urban governance.

The keyword here is "governance".

Plenty more links in that article to China's digital control systems.

Earlier in July, the Chinese city Jinan began to encourage the digital yuan’s adoption by introducing payments across all its bus routes.

While anything that smells like potential freedom for retail customers gets hacked away.

Australian Lender Bendigo Bank Blocks “High-Risk” Crypto Payments

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when everything is a deep fake, do you believe nothing or everything?

Yuan Overtakes US Dollar in China’s Cross-Border Trade for First Time Ever: Goldman Sachs

steady as she drowns.

it's... inevitable
the assimilation into borgcoin


and your money

governance is the minimisation of risks of disobedience.


broad context

This is the fascism Mussolini envisaged; any other such -isms are all forms of totalitarianism.
Corruption is not fringe, it is the core.

  ·  11 months ago  ·  

some people - a few people - wrote the US Constitution. "The people" remain as useless as ever.

more context

when every psycho-scam pushed into humanity's not-so-bright face will be encoded and disobedience algorithmically punished, then maybe, just maybe, more will see the chains.

‘We Are Totally Awash in Pseudoscience’: Nobel Prize-Winning Physicist on Climate Agenda

When most of the world is told to BELIEVE the science instead of understanding it, how can anybody tell the difference between science-propaganda and truth?

  ·  11 months ago  ·  

In a world of stupid, proof by authority remains a legit tactic - really need more scientists speaking out coherently on the vast landscape of scam-science that is accelerating.