Crypto Carnage Coming?

in crypto •  2 years ago 

Crypto Insider Issues Stark Warning for Bitcoin, Ethereum, Altcoins and Stocks, Says Wide-Scale Carnage Incoming trumpets the Daily "FUDL".

In essence, the argument is not new. The propaganda that crypto is a hedge against... anything fiat-related, is just not borne out by the data. Hence, beware!

The "Crypto Insider" is Arthur Hayes, and his The Q-Trap is much longer, more detailed and somewhat funnier than the "news".

The graphs showing correlations are complicated, but, as I myself have observed, there are periods of strong correlation with the NASDAQ market. This is hardly surprising, given it is a tech index.

Thing is, if you have bought into the idea that crypto will save you from global asset collapse... then think again.

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Thing is, if you have bought into the idea that crypto will save you from global asset collapse... then think again.

The Crypto is actually linked to our global currencies and that's why if we see a collapse in economy around the world there is rare chance that Crypto will save us.

Btc trades with usdt pair and many other fiat pairs and there price are actually relatable to dollar right ?

If crypto was globally accepted then i think we can count on Crypto. The day we can pay 10 blurt for maybe a bread will the day we will not think of fiat Currencies anymore. The reason we have to think about these are because we can do nothing with our cryptocurrency but only trade for fiat to buy stuff.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

OK, but let's think through this... what would we see if the USD collapsed, say, 10% in a day?
I think the first thing we'd see is crypto prices going UP!! just the algorithms, before humans figure out what's really going on. If USDT devalues then all the assets will go up in price.
Now, 10% a day is nothing in crypto - we see that all the time - hence I wonder how many will be caught out.
Somewhat like before a tidal wave, the sea appears to go out before it crashes in.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I'm beginning to see why the words "In God we trust" are written on the American dollar. As long as there is trust then a monetary system can work...

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Right, trust... and violence.
Don't forget the violence against anyone who dares not to use the banksters debt notes.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

This violence part makes me sick and is present wherever there is money. There is a strong force to use those bank notes and a dislike and suspicion to anyone using any other notes. Something fishy has been going on for a long time.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

A literal monopoly on violence domestically and squashing anyone internationally who dares trade the way they wanna!

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I keep crypto separate in the nano s ledger from other investments, will they be of use 1 day? Possibly, will the 15lb of silver or the kilo of gold be of any value in the future? I have no idea. Shaky ground we are on right now with no guarantees, including not getting blown up via child soldiers and lunatics in governments.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yep, look at Shanghai. Just as all the other govscums copied the Wuhan op, I absolutely expect a Shanghai-op coming soon. And still, the sheep don't bite back - maybe goats are better.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Seen some horrific videos of people screaming on their balconies there, truly disgusting.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I sense that's the next level of push.
I can even hear the laughter at how totally useless humans are at resisting this tyranny.
When the WHOO have been given carte blanche to run the next scamdemic, maybe sooner - let's say this winter.

Bird flu propaganda taking off (pun intended) in the UK - that would tick many boxes - the post covid rush to the countryside could be turned around in favour of the perceived safety of the city. Ultimately - veritably that is where they want everyone that survives the intended genocide, off the land and corralled into the smart city. The perception of zoonotic diseases could be the way to achieve it - it could also be a way of criminalising self sustenance. The growing of food and the keeping of animals.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

They can fuck off, my farm is mine, the food I grow I share for free, without that sanctuary I would go insane in this insane world run by repeat and regurgitate lunatics. I hate being in town, the police are like tax thieves in town, in their black cars, undercover, scamming little bastards.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yes, the latter.
You will need a licence to eat.

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Whether we submit is a different matter entirely - but after many years looking into their master plan, I'd say its all in play. They want us begging at the table for crumbs - completely and utterly reliant on the totalitarian benevolence of global governance. Personally, I plan for all eventualities and avoid hopium - for at this stage of the agenda, I'd say it was the most dangerous of all belief systems.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

naive - thanks, I trust him even less now. lmao

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

mmm... sat through the whole weary 19 minutes! Just to see. I'm not his target audience, so I can see how he has to deliver his arguments very slowly and deliberately - also not to lose his channel.

I was one of those science communicators 20+ years ago in the UK. I saw the expansion from popular science books (that have a long history) to science news, daily news. And that was heavily censored from day one! Could not write about mobile phone microwave issues, could not write about endless pharmascams. Very very few bold and honest science journalists. Most were hired mouthpieces. Now it may be more obvious - or rather, more obvious to more people, coz the average sap still believes the scifids.

Science news, assuming it is news, should be predicated on a scientific literacy in the population - every orifice has a political view, they even pretend to have an economic view, but what about science, eh!?

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Science is as easily bought as are news whores, money backed by nothing is worth nothing so selling your soul to promote someone else's view is for? Nothing. New system please.

Historically, precious metals are considered to be safe havens - it's also (alongside art/rare antiquities) where generational bloodlines hide their true wealth. It will be interesting to see how these commodities perform off the back of a collapse.

Personally, I think they are going to continue expanding the debt and pushing the can down the road for as long as they possibly can. But I could be wrong.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I could see this playing out in short to medium term. Bitcoin has followed the Nasdaq almost exactly. So situation could be markets (stock indexes) could crash in response to rate hikes by FED then crypto follows as it’s sold to cover margin calls or just follows current trend of past 6 months.

I see this trend or correlation breaking long term but in the next months I can see crypto following markets lower…