Crypto and Drugs

in crypto •  2 years ago 

On Crypto & Drugs: Why This Ex-Belgian Finance Minister Wants Crypto Banned Like Drugs

Crypto should be banned in the same way that governments ban drugs, Johan Van Overtveldt, a member of the European Parliament and the former Minister of Finance of Belgium, said in a tweet.

This was injected into the crypto bloodstream some days ago... and seems like the flashbacks keep coming.

Johan Van Overtveldt published an interesting book just last year: The Mystic Hand: How Central Banks Shaped the 21st Century Global Economy.

It’s hardly an exaggeration to claim that over the last few decades, central bankers have achieved unprecedented status. Especially since the global financial crisis of 2008, the world holds its breath whenever they announce new policy interventions. Given the opaque nature of the money supply, in the eyes of most citizens, the “mystic hand” of central bankers is felt everywhere. Never before have central bank policies been so decisive, not only for financial markets but also for national economies and public welfare in general.

Most everything is "magical" to the largely unthinking masses. Those who run such magic circles appreciate, even demand, such awe. But when such entrancement is broken, it reveals the power of economics comes from the power to do violence.

Back to drugs. Governments love drugs; they love them so much that they threaten their citizens to take them, even when they have no idea what's in them. How many people seem to be addicted to them? Yes, those are drugs. So, Johan, let's ban drugs... all of them! And as we're on a banning crusade, let's also ban the private central banksters you seem to love so much.

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  ·  last year  ·  

Propaganda works as most people are believers - believe one thing and you can believe any thing.

No processing necessary - no thinking - no insights - no... consequences.

Yes, people have their own lives, jobs, family etc, but what do they do in their "spare time"?

  ·  last year  ·  

btw The Mystic Hand book is available ... on torrents ;-)