Belarus Says Crypto Firms Can Operate Tax-free Until 2025
The decree dictates that firms involved in the “mining, creation, acquisition, and disposal” of coins for “Belarusian rubles, foreign currency, electronic money and/or through the exchange of other tokens” will be able to enjoy the exemption.
The law also notes that cryptocurrency mining and trading “by natural persons” are not considered a form of business activity. As such, transactions involving coins do not even have to be declared.
While in the EU...
Denmark Supreme Court rules that Bitcoin gains are taxable
The court did not rule on how much tax the gains were subjected to.
The Italian Senate approved a 26% tax on capital gains on crypto-asset trading of over 2,000 euros. A German court also ruled that a private crypto investor must pay tax on his crypto gains.
They will tax the air you breathe... and then fine you for the carbon dioxide.
Go East...
Hong Kong turns to Japan for advice after ‘mind-boggling’ Web3 influx
Hong Kong fund aims to bet $100M, thanks to city’s crypto push
and protect your self.
Go offshore ;-)