Unshackled minds - Cashless society dystopian future pt2

in crypto •  3 years ago 

the state.jpg

Technically speaking it has been 2 years now here.

Where you are required by a mandate to wear masks inside shops, petrol stations etc. I have been walking mask free from day 1 as my body is my own and I simply refuse to comply with stupid rules or they will never end.
I am not even bothering to go into the non-existent logic that a virus nobody has ever proven to exist lives inside supermarkets and shops.

The fine here is 20zl, roughly $5 or 4 GBP for not complying.
Friday in my local town and yesterday the police were raiding/visiting all shops to fine people like me who do not comply, I even noted a patrol car in a petrol station opposite to one I was using fining people for entering with no mask.
It is obvious they had been ordered to do this Friday as they had not been doing it for 18 months here.

What does this have to do with the headline, cashless society?

By order of the judge.

At the moment people can refuse the fine and opt to go to court, the courts throw the fines out, not worth their time. That is NOW, but when it comes to the dystopian future vision of digital wallets on our not so smart phones, all that changes, they will simply debit it with no hearing, no court and no appeal process.
I have seen the plans online, they are easy to find, anyone can find them.

The intention is to have a Digital wallet containing your medical history, bank account, any permits to drive, fish etc,.
This idea works fine for those that have decided our future for us at WEF/Davos meetings in the "west" but how about the more economically challenged/poor countries where a bowl of daily rice and bread are more important than a not so smart phone?
That is where I propose the idea I covered last night comes in, a UBI, please read it if you have not here = https://blurt.blog/control/@ajerkoff/unshackled-minds-the-great-narrative

With a UBI and everyone getting "free" money every week, there will be no excuse not to own a phone, and possibly fines for not having one. I also fully expect governments to eventually subsidise the purchase of not so smart phones, so that everyone has to comply. I can see the headline now, "our benevolent government want to get everyone out of poverty with a UBI and subsidised phone purchase" Oh how the masses will cheer, not knowing the trap they are walking into.
The UBI alone will have most people drooling and licking their lips at the prospect of free money.

Make no mistake, let me be 100% clear, governments do not represent or like the people that pay their wages via taxation, not a single one of us, no matter who we are.

I have already noted Australians having their ID and driving Licenses on their phones via some videos I have watched, correct me if I am wrong.
over a decade people have had to get used to the phone being their best friend, games, maps, apps and so on, and soon it will be their bank account, people already pay via phone here, seen it, watch with horror when they do as I know the future and so should you.

A not so smart phone is not your best friend, it never was and never will be, I will cover this in part 3.


A link below.

" Vaccine Passports: Your Ticket to a New Social Control System?

The plan is to collect and link as much personal information as possible, and there’s no reason to think this data won’t be shared for control, social engineering and profit — that’s what Google, Facebook and other platforms have done for years"


I have read the central bank proposals, they intend to let third parties build layer upon layer on top of our digital wallet, they will mine us via payments and know where we go, what we do, who we talk to, where we live, who our friends are and so on.
These third parties will then sell the data to the government and other third parties so that government does not have to build those layers, the surveillance themselves as it would be costly and require knowledge no government has to implement it.

They will use the data to determine your behaviour, if you have not complied with all orders, maybe drove fast, maybe visited a friend they consider a threat to government, bam, instant fine, no appeal allowed.

You may think I am crazy, you may call me a conspiracy theorist, although I will turn the tables and point a finger straight back at you and simply state "everything I have said above is easily researched to be true".

The design and structuring of a gov/central bank dystopian digital wallet would need to be designed by third parties/experts like google, but as google get many government contracts, they would not refuse, that is for sure.

I will leave you for now with some reading below, note the last one casts doubt, and in any conversation, we need both sides of the argument, or there is none.




"Digital Currency: Fog Beyond the Hype."



No time to edit for now, any mistakes stand till the PM.

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Much solution around, let’s share about how to make it happen in the open source community 👍😎 Cicada : White Paper, A Distributed Direct Democracy and Decentralized Application Platform

Together we can make it happen.


  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Superb, thanks for the links. Did we get to the point of what tag to use? I cannot remember. #newbeginning possibly?

It is up to us to name!! I’d like to start fresh with #newbeginning for sure!! Thank you for being on the block @ajerkoff

The tools are in our hands now, up to us to make great use of it! For the #newbeginning !

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

#newbeginning it is then :-) Cheers my friend.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

mmm... hashtag already prone to typos,



  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Hmmm, me thinks you maybe correct, I shall put it to the vote, all those in favour say I, all those against say nay, I said I, #newstart it is then, now I am going to have to promote you to the ideas dept.

For the #newstart lol where is/ are the typos? I am francophone first language. Those things are not obvious to me.

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

It was my fault, I spelt it wrong in my response to you, but he is right, it is easy to do with such a long #.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

As much as I know it's only in the Australian state of New South Wales that has the ID and driver licence on smart phones and only if one chooses to at this time. I call it a trial run of what they wish to implement on everyone.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I think you are correct, get people used to it by choice, then force it on all, and bam, they got you where they want you.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  


  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Back to trade like we ones used to do .
A apple for a potato , a potato for a nut , a apple and a potato for a bolt .
Some shiny beads for the land you just sailed in to . ( Let's hope we are a bit wiser now )

That is , if we resist the dystopian dictatorship being set up now or in any future . To disconnect from government is the only option left , no matter how shiny the beads look that they offer for my free will and freedom , i ain't taking them !

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

"no matter how shiny the beads look that they offer for my free will and freedom , i ain't taking them !" me neither, they can fuck off, read all about UBI, it was thought up in the 1500's, rob Peter the land owner via tax, to share with Paul, via government, not interested.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

The picture is cute. The snake doesn't look scary.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

The snake is now fed, it ate a citizen :-)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Does the snake need to be vaccinated? hehe

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

LOL, possibly killed, like the hamsters in some insane countries.