Blurt is a superb idea

in crypto •  3 years ago 


It is just a thought.

Since 2008, the year the Fiat monetary system realistically should have collapsed. Quantitative easing has been used.
In real terms that mass printing of money has helped nobody except government, as most if not all the excess printing has gone into stocks and shares.

Where do corporations start and government end?

Someone put a chart up a couple of days ago with regards to USA senators and the amount of shares they own in big pharma like Pfizer etc.

They own 58% according to the breakdown, throw in Bill Gates shares plus government and you have a 98% stake turnout.
They have every incentive to make vaccines a permanent 6 monthly "thing" and 2 tablets a day it seems.

Then look at the digital monetary system that is planned to roll out.
That would be super easy to con-trol, a cashless society.
Enter Blurt and crypto currencies not run by government.

Blurt and chances of succeeding?

Unlike places like steemit, hive and POB it does not have downvotes and the negativity that go with it, I think it has every chance of being a massive success story.

I am not just writing this for the sake of it.
When you compare the vibe on here to hive, Pob or steemit, it is totally different.
Nobody has to hide behind a mask on here. Nobody has to edit their comments after a night out and a few beers just to keep their following.
People are real, say what they want, fear nothing.

If we take China as an example with the social credit system and extend said thinking to government run digital money they want to bring out, you get to a dystopia unmatched in the history of human kind.

"The China social credit system is a broad regulatory framework intended to report on the ‘trustworthiness’ of individuals, corporations, and governmental entities across China. In this introduction, we explain what the China social credit system is, how it differs from financial credit ratings elsewhere, and how it impacts on individuals and companies operating within China. "

Some links =

And this is where I think, my opinion and we all have one, this is where I think @blurt comes in nicely, a risk free investment that could be used to trade outside government control.

We all know on hive, on steemit and on POB, at the whim of another all your upvotes can be gone. Not only that though is it, any votes you have given to people can be taken away up to 7 days later too.
That is not a sound investment. No returns guaranteed.

And that is why I think blurt is massively under valued at this moment in time.
It may become a world leader if digital currencies and social credit scoring are rolled out worldwide.
Get your blurt on.

I have no affiliation or ties to those that made blurt, run blurt, I do not even know who they are.
This is financial advice, I think one day and soon we will all need to trade outside of government, be it food, crypto or just labor/labour.
I can see that day coming soon.

How about we get blurt on some larger exchanges? That would be down to others who know how the wallet works here.


Have a superb day ahead.

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Crazy times and Blurt might help us through it all.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Indeed bro, I know you lot have it worse over there, but times a changing. In you lot I trust to get a grip there.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

There is so much stuff happening mostly behind the scenes from we the people in Australia we may be the first to show how to take ones country back.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I truly hope you are bro.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

You are 100% correct … after 4 years on Steemit, Hive, POB … Blurt is like paradise.

Nothing comes close to the potential of Blurt. Nothing.

It will one day surpass Bitcoin.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I think you are 100% correct.

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you kindly.