Welcome To May - Prepare For The Rollercoaster

in crypto •  2 years ago  (edited)

Welcome To May


OMG! Was I wrong about my predictions for last month or what?! LOL. I hope nobody took any financial or life changing action based on them. I'm no prophet, that's 100% certain haha. Having said that, I think those predictions were quite bold and, to an extent, partially reflected some of my hopes for the short term. However, looking at them, they're all reasonable - just not within the very short timeframe I put them in. What I'm saying is, all those things will still come to pass, but just not within a month of the predicition.


Welcome to May
This month, May, is traditionally a pretty turbulent one for the economy. It's certainly a "bad" month for the stock market, and crypto, judging by history. Looking at the global financial temperature, especially with recession looming, it's not looking very good for crypto, or anything for that matter. In theory it should be amazing for crypto but, since Bitcoin is being traded like a tech stock, it's simply following the stock market downhill, and it's dragging the rest of the crypto market down with it.

Some shitcoins are going to bleed pretty heavily this month. If I needed the money for other things soon, and it was in a shitcoin, I wouldn't leave it there to be honest. Conversely, if I had loads of fiat when the crash does happen (it hasn't happened yet, believe it or not), I'd buy into some promising shitcoins. The fortunes are in the shitcoins. The bankruptcies, naturally, are also in the shitcoins. It's mostly gambling.

Some very smart people have already braced themselves for the coming weeks. They're locked into some of their very long-term (not to be confused with leveraged long) positions, and have some good amount of cash sitting in waiting for the "event".

May is going to be a rollercoaster ride I think. Let's hope we don't fall off. This is not financial advice folks. If anything, last month's predictions show that I don't really know anything about this market. Be careful.

Peace & Love,


Posted from https://blurt.live
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