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  ·  last year  ·   (edited)

I think sometimes we have to put our own preferences aside to let a platform grow personally I hate shorts when it comes to information I work from home and love long rambly videos that I can just have on in the background and tune in and out of to a point especially on spirituality etc. I do realise tho that doesn’t mean everyone’s likes that and these days more ppl like shorts. My bf is quite a bit younger than me and unless it’s a topic he is rly into mostly masculinity or numerology lol then just tunes out of the point isn’t made in the first 2 seconds it’s actually craxy to watch but this is how it’s probably going, at least till the next thing becomes popular. All the other forms will still have some kind of community but the platforms imo should allow for all. This is even more true when ppl go out to work and have families etc they just wAnt to scroll a few click bait shorts to wind down or learn a few quick facts. Rly think these blogs need to learn to cater for more tastes than old fashioned long format written in fo. The first one that does will have an edge. It doesn’t mean we all have to follow them if there are options you just pick pages that you like the format of but I don’t think discouraging shorter posts or podcasts or video etc will help anyone grow

  ·  last year  ·  

Doesn't LBRY do that already? I thought even the upload format depended on the file type, so text become documents, videos remain videos etc.
Instead of trying to embed a video in a doc, I mean.

And I expect books to remain, even if ebooks ;-)

I think even physical books will always have a niche audience is till prefer physical books but I have learnt that you have to not resist change also it’s easy to do as we get older.

  ·  last year  ·  

physical books are HEAVY! lol, says I as former bookshop owner ;-)
My profits were from rare books - then again, London was a great place to trade books, altho my best finds were in the provinces.

There is a little book shop in Glastonbury that has all kinds of rare old spiritual books. What I do like ahout real books is that people on tend to make one when they rly rly have something to say lol YouTube and self published is just any old shit but then that also means you get lots of quantity and easy access I actually just like both in their own ways. I like video because I can just play it while painting or doing other things and I like YouTube for quickly searching how to do something but if you rly want to go in depth on a topic I think a book is best but just my opinions.

Is lbry a blockchain thing? I have heard of it what exactly is it

  ·  last year  ·  

prob better known now as
proof of the shift ;-)
but if you look at search options ul see more than just vids.

I think video \ short format text and written comments is the current popular format but tik tok is pretty much replies in video actually