What if you lived in the most crowded Places on Earth? (ENG/ PT/ DE)

in crowdedplace •  4 years ago 



Kowloon Walled City

I just love documentaries. Today I saw a really interesting one, maybe you enjoy it too.
Kowloon Walled City was a densely populated, ungoverned settlement in Kowloon, an area north of Hong Kong Island. What began as a Chinese military fort evolved into a squatters' village comprising a mass of 300 interconnected high-rise buildings.
Kowloon Walled City was 119 times as dense as New York City.
Slightly north of Hong Kong Island there once stood one of the most densely populated places on earth.
From the 1950s until 1994, over 33,000 people lived and worked in Kowloon Walled City, a massive complex of 300 interconnected buildings that took up a city block.
Caught between China and the British-run Hong Kong government, the city was essentially lawless, equally known for its opium dens and organized crime as its dentists' offices.

"City of Darkness"

Kowloon Walled City was a densely populated, ungoverned settlement in Kowloon, an area north of Hong Kong Island. What began as a Chinese military fort evolved into a squatters' village comprising a mass of 300 interconnected high-rise buildings.
The city began as a low-rise squatter village during the early 20th century. After World War II, Hong Kong experienced a massive influx of Chinese immigrants. This led to a lack of housing in the city. In response, entrepreneurs and those with "squatter's rights" in Kowloon built high rise buildings on the space to capitalize on the housing demand.
While located in Hong Kong, the Walled City was legally a Chinese military fort. This put the settlement in legal purgatory as both China and the British-run Hong Kong government ignored it.
The Walled City was controlled by the Chinese mafia, called the Triads, from the 1950s through the 1970s. It gained a reputation as a haven for prostitution, gambling, and drugs.
The streets and alleyways of the Walled City were narrow. Most were barely wider than six feet and some were so narrow that one had to walk sideways through them. A massive network of passageways in the upper levels also made it possible to travel the distance of the city without walking on a ground level street.

Incredible isn't it?
What you think about it?

(português youtuber falar)

Kowloon Walled City

Eu adoro documentários. Hoje vi um realmente interessante, talvez também o apreciem.
Kowloon Walled City era uma povoação densamente povoada e sem governo em Kowloon, uma área a norte da ilha de Hong Kong. O que começou como um forte militar chinês evoluiu para uma aldeia de ocupantes, compreendendo uma massa de 300 edifícios altos interligados.
Kowloon Walled City era 119 vezes mais densa do que a cidade de Nova Iorque.
Ligeiramente a norte da ilha de Hong Kong existia um dos lugares mais densamente povoados do mundo.
Desde os anos 50 até 1994, mais de 33.000 pessoas viveram e trabalharam em Kowloon Walled City, um enorme complexo de 300 edifícios interligados que ocuparam um quarteirão da cidade.
Apanhada entre a China e o governo britânico de Hong Kong, a cidade era essencialmente sem lei, igualmente conhecida pelas suas covas de ópio e pelo crime organizado como os seus consultórios de dentistas.

"Cidade das Trevas"

Kowloon Walled City era uma povoação densamente povoada e sem governo em Kowloon, uma área a norte da ilha de Hong Kong. O que começou como um forte militar chinês evoluiu para uma aldeia de ocupantes, compreendendo uma massa de 300 edifícios altos interligados.
A cidade começou como uma aldeia de ocupantes de baixa altitude durante o início do século XX. Após a Segunda Guerra Mundial, Hong Kong conheceu um afluxo maciço de imigrantes chineses. Isto levou a uma falta de habitações na cidade. Em resposta, os empresários e os "posseiros" de Kowloon construíram edifícios altos sobre o espaço para capitalizar a procura de habitação.
Enquanto situada em Hong Kong, a Cidade Muralhada era legalmente um forte militar chinês. Isto colocou o colonato no purgatório legal, uma vez que tanto a China como o governo britânico de Hong Kong o ignoraram.
A Cidade Muralhada foi controlada pela máfia chinesa, chamada as Tríades, desde os anos 50 até aos anos 70. Ganhou reputação como um paraíso para a prostituição, o jogo e a droga.
As ruas e becos da Cidade Muralhada eram estreitas. A maioria mal tinha mais de um metro e meio e algumas eram tão estreitas que se tinha de caminhar de lado através delas. Uma enorme rede de passagens nos níveis superiores também tornou possível percorrer a distância da cidade sem andar numa rua ao nível do rés-do-chão.

Incrível, não é?
O que pensa sobre isso?


Kowloon, die ummauerte Stadt

Ich liebe Dokumentarfilme einfach. Heute habe ich einen wirklich interessanten gesehen, vielleicht gefällt er euch ja auch.
Kowloon Walled City war eine dicht besiedelte, unregierte Siedlung in Kowloon, einem Gebiet nördlich von Hongkong Island. Was als chinesische Militärfestung begann, entwickelte sich zu einem Besetzerdorf mit einer Masse von 300 miteinander verbundenen Hochhäusern.
Die von Mauern umgebene Stadt Kowloon war 119 Mal so dicht wie New York City.
Etwas nördlich von Hongkong Island lag einst einer der am dichtesten besiedelten Orte der Erde.
Von den 1950er Jahren bis 1994 lebten und arbeiteten über 33.000 Menschen in Kowloon Walled City, einem riesigen Komplex von 300 miteinander verbundenen Gebäuden, der einen ganzen Häuserblock einnahm.
Gefangen zwischen China und der von Großbritannien geführten Regierung Hongkongs war die Stadt im Wesentlichen gesetzlos, gleichermaßen bekannt für ihre Opiumhöhlen und das organisierte Verbrechen wie für ihre Zahnarztpraxen.

"Stadt der Finsternis"

Kowloon Walled City war eine dicht besiedelte, unregierte Siedlung in Kowloon, einem Gebiet nördlich von Hongkong Island. Was als chinesische Militärfestung begann, entwickelte sich zu einem Besetzerdorf, das aus einer Masse von 300 miteinander verbundenen Hochhäusern bestand.
Die Stadt begann im frühen 20. Jahrhundert als niedrig gelegenes Besetzerdorf. Nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg erlebte Hongkong einen massiven Zustrom chinesischer Einwanderer. Dies führte zu einem Mangel an Wohnraum in der Stadt. Als Reaktion darauf errichteten Unternehmer und diejenigen mit "Hausbesetzerrechten" in Kowloon Hochhäuser auf dem Gelände, um die Wohnungsnachfrage zu befriedigen.
Obwohl sich die "Walled City" in Hongkong befand, war sie rechtlich gesehen eine chinesische Militärfestung. Dies versetzte die Siedlung in ein juristisches Fegefeuer, da sowohl China als auch die britische Regierung in Hongkong sie ignorierten.
Die "Walled City" wurde von den 1950er bis 1970er Jahren von der chinesischen Mafia, den so genannten Triaden, kontrolliert. Sie erwarb sich einen Ruf als Zufluchtsort für Prostitution, Glücksspiel und Drogen.
Die Straßen und Gassen der von Mauern umgebenen Stadt waren eng. Die meisten waren kaum breiter als zwei Meter, und einige waren so schmal, dass man seitlich durch sie hindurchgehen musste. Ein massives Netz von Durchgängen in den oberen Stockwerken ermöglichte es auch, die Entfernung der Stadt zu überwinden, ohne auf einer ebenerdigen Straße zu gehen.

Unglaublich, nicht wahr?
Was denkt ihr darüber?

Sources: youtu.be
Picture: Greg Girard/ https://hivelife.com/city-of-darkness/

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  ·  4 years ago  ·  



The first photo is of my home when I was childhood.


  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Really? Awesome. I was fascinated of this look. Wooouuuhooouuuu
Hugs to ya

  ·  4 years ago  ·   (edited)

Hong Kong is indeed a very crowded city.
The house to live in is not only small, but also quite expensive.

At present, the price of one square foot is about US$3,000.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Wowowowow. That price is incredible

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

HAHHAHA.... So expensive.
Each month rental fee can buy 4000 k blurt.

So Hong Kong people often say that we just survive, not A LIFE.