When the World Feels “Heavy,” my Work Slows to a Crawl…

in crisis •  2 years ago 

Seems like I use the phrase ”I've been meaning to...” rather more often than I'd like, these days.

To wit: I've been meaning to start blogging more regularly here, but I've just not felt very inspired because the world feels rather heavy at the moment.


There's so much worry about: worry about the economy, worry about new strains of COVID, worry about inflation ramping up, worry about the Ukraine and Russia situation… and it all blends together into a sort of psychological heaviness.

Without getting too woo-woo about it, sometimes the ”background energy” of the world seems to slow me down.

No, I'm not claiming to have some kind of "cosmic plug-in" here, it's more a case of the overwhelming subtext of negativity leading to a lot of distractions, as a result of which my work feels scattered, as a result of which it takes me longer to get things done, as a result of which my good intentions to be blogging more pretty much head down the toilet.


Can't we just ignore stuff like that?

Sure we can. Just like we can ignore an ingrown toenail, or a growing dark spot on the side our neck that might be cancerous… but to what end?

Instead of fighting it, or trying to ignore it, I'm just trying to accept that it simply is there... and during more turbulent times in the greater world I seem to be less able to focus on things I want to get done.

Maybe I'm not alone…

And so, I write this post — which is not really about very much of anything — as an opening attempt breaking out of this pattern of lethargy. Time will tell whether it works.


In the Meantime, What Happened to Blurt?

I know the Cryptosphere has been a bit rocky as of late, but last time I checked, the Blurt token was approaching 4c per token and I was considering buying some Blurt Yield Tokens... but when I checked earlier today it was about one-and-a-half cents a token.

Did everybody suddenly decide to bail out? I guess I'll have to read some posts and try to find out.

So thanks for reading, and have a great remainder of your week!

DO leave me a comment — engagement matters! Communities are built because people INTERACT with each other through the content that's created! So share your opinion, be part of the conversation! I do my best to answer all worthy comments!

Sequence: 048 — Timestamp: 2022.03.23 - 19:45 PDT

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Posted from https://blurt.live

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