with crypto these days it seems like which criminals to choose.

in criminals •  4 years ago  (edited)

i vote for personal responsibility, well, i would if i could find a postal service to be able to make sure i've got a passport out of this secured bordered country i live in, just last night we got hit by 50,000k of lightning strikes. so so normal, hey, climate change, no problem, it's just one plastic bottle right?

seriously thou, no wonder the general public will never ever buy into crypto and digital currency, unless it's completely augmented into some kind of expected to lose your money self recharging stimlus based participation human energy walking pavement system -- i just can't see how it's ever gonna go anywhere.

Don't get me wrong, crypto is cool, it's great, self goverance, heck yeah, but then you gotta secure it, you gotta be the banker now, you have to deal with the next group of 'coiners on the next table telling you how shit your decisions are while the back room crims launder their next batch of dirty notes into dirty pocket nukes in the back room.

it's litearally like what criminal intents do you wanna get behind and for how long, we already exported and smelted down our ethics for some random pump, dump and slump vaporware token that was connected to the memories of our dead relatives. bummer.

i remember the heady times of taking my five pound note on the bus and feeling safe, free, ready to puchase that £1.99 game from woolworths that looked awesome on the front and had a great lorn written on the back only to get home to realise they had been anti-aliasing creative over what really was a collection of subtle difference colour blocks.

Still, i had another piece of material posession, you know how important that is when your a kid, you need to know your growing in this world if you have a bedroom of stuff to show ya friends who also have been collecting stuff like an oubliette of broken promises.

I dunno man, i preferred it when i could pick the slightly shady crims and understand their backstory rather than the augmented mental health multi account low currency, high elevated access rights windowserver ddos spammers of today, they just don't have a soul!

can we get back to enjoying the technology again instead of using it as a transport to use as a virtual comfort blanket from ignoring that the physical rock under our feet is actually on fire?

have a fucking terrific day.

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  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Deep man, deep. I'm like what I see on Blurt. So far it's mostly positive and uplifting and people are freely sharing. Time will tell though.