Creator betrayed

in creator •  2 years ago 



Suppose you create something,
A small airplane model for example,
That is one of a kind,
You will like it right.

Suppose the airplane you created has the ability to think and speak,
In short it has brain that you have it using artificial intelligence,
You will feel now proud of yourself,
I bet you will !

Now how will you feel like if,
A random person start saying that he has created that model ?
You will get frustrated and affect right ?
It will be very obvious.

But think, what if your model says itself,
That you have not created it,
Remember you have it the ability to think using AI,
So it says like that.

I bet you will feel now angry,
Because it is not acceptable.



Similarly God also can't see this when we say that he is not the creator of ours.

It's called shirk.

In Islam, shirk is considered one of the gravest sins, and it refers to the act of associating partners with Allah (God).

It is the belief in any god or deity other than Allah, or the belief that anyone or anything else has the power and authority that is exclusively reserved for Allah.

Muslims believe in the oneness of Allah, which is known as Tawheed. Tawheed is the foundation of Islamic faith, and it is the belief that there is only one God who is the creator and sustainer of the universe.

Muslims believe that Allah has no partners, no equals, and no associates, and that there is no deity or object worthy of worship except Allah.

Shirk is considered the most heinous of all sins in Islam, as it contradicts the very essence of Islamic monotheism.

Muslims believe that committing shirk is a sin that will not be forgiven by Allah, as it is a direct violation of His commandments.

The Quran explicitly states that Allah will not forgive those who commit shirk, as it is an unpardonable sin.

Muslims are required to practice Tawheed and to believe in the oneness of Allah.

They are prohibited from associating partners with Allah, worshipping idols, or engaging in any other form of polytheism.

Muslims are also required to reject any belief that suggests that anyone or anything else has the power and authority that is exclusively reserved for Allah.

In Islam, the belief in Tawheed is the foundation of the religion.

Muslims believe that by worshipping Allah alone and following His commandments, they will be rewarded with paradise in the hereafter.

Shirk, on the other hand, is considered a grave sin that can lead to eternal punishment in hellfire.


In conclusion, shirk is a major sin in Islam that refers to the act of associating partners with Allah. Muslims believe in the oneness of Allah and are required to practice Tawheed.

Muslims are prohibited from worshipping idols or engaging in any other form of polytheism.

By following the commandments of Allah and rejecting shirk, Muslims believe that they will be rewarded with paradise in the hereafter.

I am not forcing anyone,
Just think about what you read.

Lastly as i always say,
Sleep well in the arms of night.


Good night gif

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