New: watchAll contentburnbotblurtkractifitzzangamesvideoinstablurtr2cornellburnpostartcurationblurtafricaphotographyblurtindiablurtgermanblurtblockblurthispanonewsblurttribeHotTrendingNewDAppspuspasari75 in blurt-192372 • 7 days agoJam tanganJam tangan yang berwarna hitam. Jam tangan ini sering sekali saya gunakan, bahkan hampir tiap hari. Jam tangan yang memnudahkan kita ubtuk melihatt waktu Jam tangan ini bagus sekali ketika…leafstudynet in blurt-148706 • 2 months agoPoem 19: What Can a Mosquito Do?Take Responsibilitystmp04 in blurt • 4 months agoApple event: iPhone 16 series, AirPods 4, Watch Series 10 and other expected launchesAssalamu Alaikum Dear Blurts Friends Everyone’s To All Good Evening And Happy Everyday And Welcome.To Visit My Profile And Thanks To All Blurt Friend’s For Your Big And Good Support Me And I Am Very…puspasari in blurt • 4 months agoJam tanganJam tangan yang berwarna hitam. Jam tangan ini samgat saya suka sehingga sering saya gunakan saat pergi Jam yang digunakan untuk melihat waktu. Jam yang sangat berguna bagi saya dan mungkin…cryptotip in eclipse • 8 months agoLive: Watch the Solar Eclipse here … 🎥Best place to watch the solar Eclipse …. Here on Blurt : Watch Live :bluesky01 in blurt • last yearJam tanganJam tangan yang bentuknya bagus dan juga menarik. Jam tangan dibutuhkan untuk melihat waktu kapanpuan karena kita memakainya di bagian tangan. Sehingga memudahkan untuk melihatnya Jam tangan…puspasari in blurt • last yearJam tanganJam tanganyamg berwarna hitam. Melihat jam tabgan ini apalagi dengan warna hitam membuat saya mwnyukainya. Jan tangan yang terlihat keren saat dipakai Jam tangan sangat diperlukan saat aoan…luisdey in watch • last yearMy collection of antique watchesAs you may know, I am a lover of antique collection. Today I want to show you my collection of antique clocks. Both wall clocks and table clocks. To begin with, I want to do it with wall…ilnegro in ita • last yearIl Declino degli Orologi da Polso: Il Tempo sta Cambiando?Foto di StockSnap da Pixabay Il Declino degli Orologi da Polso: Il Tempo sta Cambiando? Negli ultimi anni, abbiamo assistito a un notevole cambiamento nei nostri comportamenti e nelle nostre…michaelmullens in truthorbust • 2 years ago🚨BREAKING!- Will Sommer Works For Kiley Now!🚨Loop Closers In The Wire! offgridlife in tesla • 2 years agoGet ready to see the new Tesla Bot … 8 pm ESTAre you ready to watch Elon Musk unveil the new Tesla Bot ? What will happen ? Will he be attacked by his own Robot ? Watch Live at 8 pm ESTstmp04 in beautiful • 2 years agoClock competition in the bus while going to college with girlfriendsDEAR BLURT FRIENDS TO ALL GOOD MORNING AND HAPPY EVERYDAY AND WELCOME TO VISIT MY PROFILE AND THANKS TO ALL BLURT FRIENDS FOR YOUR GOOD SUPPORT ME. Today is 27th August, Saturday 2022, the…halo in watch • 2 years agoWatchblurtrider in blurt • 3 years ago💥Is Xiaomi this big?. 😳👉Everyone must know that Xiaomi is a Chinese tech company. Their theme has also been to provide the best quality equipment at the lowest price. Started in 2010 and produced its first phone in 2011…cloudblade in cn • 3 years ago罗通扫北 "冲营四城门"罗通扫北 "冲营四城门" 这是一部电视连续剧, 改编自小说 "后唐传" 中的一个章节... 当罗通带队来到木离城的外面之时, 发现四座城门之外都被番军给派军把守了, 必须派人入城与城内的唐军来取得联系, 商谈共同破军的方法.... 于是众人决定, 派人冲营, 冲过敌方营帐之后, 入城去... 不少将军请令, 但罗通表示, 你们的武艺不足以冲营入城, 于是罗通自己冲营...…cloudblade in cn • 3 years ago刘备自抬身价刘备自抬身价 刘备是一介平民,少时聪慧,于族中享有盛名,初时受到刘氏族长的资助,有做过亭长,其人善交际,很会花钱,却没做出成绩,致使刘氏宗族支付不起他的花销,最后放弃了他,刘备便沦落为卖草席卖草鞋 ... 汉末,天下大乱,刘备交好到了两位武功高强的豪杰,即张飞和关羽,立即与两人结拜,总算起势了 ....…cloudblade in cn • 3 years ago程咬金多活了四十四岁程咬金多活了四十四岁 程咬金是唐朝历史名将,为凌烟阁二十四功臣之一,受封宿国公,享寿七十六岁,葬于昭陵 ... 史实 ... 昭陵乃是唐太宗李世民与文德皇后长孙氏之合葬陵墓,尔后有不少功臣和皇亲亦是被赐葬于昭陵之中,比如程咬金的二儿子亦以唐太宗女婿的身分葬于昭陵 ... 在隋唐英雄传之中,程咬金叫秦叔宝为哥哥,说小时候,秦叔宝母子曾寄住于他家一段时间...…cloudblade in cn • 3 years ago罗通扫北 "公报私仇"罗通扫北 "公报私仇" 在罗通扫北这部电视剧之中, 罗通争得二路军的元帅之位, 罗通的父亲和其祖父皆死于两国相争之中, 而杀死其父亲和祖父的将领苏定方,后投降于唐军,故其杀父仇人苏定方亦在前次征北大军之中... 在这一次出征的队伍之中,苏定方的儿子苏麟和苏凤为了救其父,亦参加了此事的出征,亦在二路军之中... 罗通命令苏麟前往挑战北番镇守关卡的将领, 苏麟不能得胜…cloudblade in cn • 3 years ago罗通扫北 "从弟罗仁"罗通扫北 "从弟罗仁" 这是一部电视连续剧, 改编自清代小说《 说唐 后传》里的上半部... 在小说中, 罗通有一位从弟罗仁, 为其母亲所收养的养子... 在小说之中, 罗仁为罗春之子, 罗春则是其父罗通的同父异母之兄长, 罗通亡故之时, 便是罗春扶其棺回乡的... 不过, 电视剧中, 罗春被改编成是罗成的家仆, 罗春一直跟随着服侍罗成, 就连在军中…wiljman76 in watch • 3 years agoWatch this! I found a great treasure at local garage sale!While garage sailing last weekend, I found a great treasure in someone's trash! A Samsung Smart watch for a $1 ( one dollar ), dead with no charger! So bought a wireless charger on Amazon for $14…