New: throneAll contentkrblurtburnbotvideoactifitgamesphotographyartblurtgermanzzannewsblurtblocksteemr2cornellwamresearchadventurephotohealthdiscussionHotTrendingNewDAppsclinton054 in blurt-148706 • 5 months agoA War of Thrones and KingdomsThe warfare is for the souls of men, for the allegiance of men, for whom they (men) will bow the kneel to. It's a war of Kingdoms. It's a war fought not with guns and bombs, but with spiritual…cloudblade in cn • 3 years ago英国王位会传给谁英国王位会传给谁 英国女王年事已高,百病缠身,据新闻报导,女王有可能隔代传位,即不传给下一代「查尔斯王子」,而是在往下传,传给孙子「威廉王子」。 之所以如此,是因为王储的名声不好,多数的英国百姓并不喜欢王储「威尔斯亲王」,认为让其代表着英国的脸面,很丢脸 .....…mrenglish in blurtafrica • 3 years agoCoronationImage source Gon-gon-gon!!! The gong broke through the night, which meant only one thing for the people of Imezuna. The coronation ceremonies of the priestess of the moon which is usually…