New: sevendaysbnwchallengeAll contentburnbotvideokrblurtactifitartzzannewsgameslolzblurtgermanphotographyr2cornellwamblurtblockaimusicblurtindiablurtlifejapanblurtboosterHotTrendingNewDAppsolivia08 in sevendaysbnwchallenge • 4 years agoSeven Day Black And White Challenge Day 7 - MY BLACKY (DE/EN)Thank you @otom for inviting me to the challenge. Here is my entry. Regeln: 1 ... Veröffentliche 7 Schwarzweißbilder, die einen Aspekt Deines Lebens darstellen 2 ... Poste an 7 aufeinander…olivia08 in sevendaysbnwchallenge • 4 years agoSeven Day Black And White Challenge Day 6- Whitey and Me (DE/EN)Thank you @otom for inviting me to the challenge. Here is my entry. Regeln: 1 ... Veröffentliche 7 Schwarzweißbilder, die einen Aspekt Deines Lebens darstellen 2 ... Poste an 7 aufeinander…jurich60 in sevendaysbnwchallenge • 4 years agoDAY 3 SEVENDAY BLACK AND WHITE CHALLENGEHello blurtians, Sharing you my 3rd bnw pic. Today I nominate @bloghound to join the black and white wagon. The Rules: Post Seven black and white images that represent an aspect of your…jurich60 in sevendaysbnwchallenge • 4 years agoDAY 2 - SEVENDAYS BLACK AND WHITE CHALLENGEHello all blurtians, My 2nd day contribution to Sevendays BnW Challenge This time I nominate @olivia08 here are the Rules: Post Seven black and white images that represent an aspect of your…