New: sacramentAll contentburnbotvideokrblurtactifitartgameslolzzzannewsphotographyblurtgermanr2cornellwamblurtblockaimusicblurtindiablurtlifememeblurthispanoHotTrendingNewDAppsgesillaarias in confirmation • last yearSacrament of Confirmation of my SonsMy three sons receiving their sacrament of confirmation held in the church in our brgy. The confirmation was done by archbishop Jose Palma and Fr. Nene. The Sacrament of Confirmation…gesillaarias in wedding • 2 years agoAttending Hazel and Ephraim WeddingWe attended the wedding of Hazel, a cousin of my husband and the reception held at Gravespot function hall in our place. The wedding of Hazel and Ephraim is a celebration of love that will…ludevielucero in wedding • 2 years agoWhen Two Became OneThis was the time when we were united by the sacrament of marriage where my husband and I vowed to love and cherish each other, to have and hold, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in…