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V2 때는 Yield Boost 만 끄면 ROI 퍼센트가 딱 나왔는데 V3는 Set Price Range 에 따라 수익률이 확확 바뀌더라구요. 저 Set Price Range 가 뭘 의미하는 건지도 잘…skuld2000 in kr • 2 years ago팬케이크스왑 V3 풀 파밍 시작안녕하세요. 아마군(@skuld2000) 입니다. 팬케이크스왑 V3 풀 파밍이 시작됐습니다. 저도 팬케이크스왑에 담궈둔 CAKE-BNB 와 BTCB-BNB LP 를 V3로 마이그레이션 해서 참전해 봤는데요. V2 풀도 여전히 정상적으로 파밍이 되고 있는 상황이라 수익률을 비교해 봤는데 CAKE-BNB LP 풀은 V3 풀 보다 V2 풀이 APR 이…skuld2000 in kr • 2 years ago팬케이크스왑 V3 마이그레이션안녕하세요. 아마군(@skuld2000) 입니다. 팬케이크스왑 V3 풀이 올라왔네요. 아직 파밍은 시작되지 않아 APR 출력이 안되고 있지만 이미 적지않은 자금이 이동해 있습니다. V3 풀로 옮기려면 LP 도 해제했다가 다시 묶어야 하는 거 같더군요. 다 귀찮고 그냥 알아서 이자만 따박따박 넣어주면 좋겠구만..skuld2000 in kr • 2 years ago팬케이크스왑 V3 런칭 이벤트 참전안녕하세요. 아마군(@skuld2000) 입니다. @donekim 님이 올려주신 팬케이크스왑 V3 런칭 : 에어드랍 및 NFT 이벤트 를 보니 오늘 밤 10시 부터 팬케이크스왑 V3 런칭 및 이벤트가 시작된다고 합니다. 저도 팬케이크스왑에 BTCB/WBNB 와 CAKE/WBNB 두개 풀에 참여 하고 있는데 그 중 BTCB/WBNB 가…parveg10 in wintness • 3 years agoMy photography and The story of the fool blurt blog platformএক পাগলের হাতে বই দেখে ডাক্তার পাগলকে জিজ্ঞেস করল ডাক্তার, : তোমার হাতে এটা কিসের বই? : পাগলঃ- এই ৫০০ পাতার বইটার লেখক আমি। : ডাক্তারঃ- কি বলো???? : তো বইতে কি লিখলে? : পাগলঃ- প্রথম…parveg10 in wintness • 3 years agoScience // blurt-blog platformহ্যালো বন্ধুরা, সকলেই কেমন আছেন ? আশা করি সৃষ্টিকর্তার অশেষ রহমতে সকলেই ভালো আছেন।।আমি আজকে যে সম্পর্কে আপনাদের সাথে শেয়ার করতে যাচ্ছি তা হলো জ্যোতির্বিদ্যা (Astronomy) ।তো চলুন শুরু করা…parveg10 in wintness • 3 years agoHalim' from a street food stall//blurt-blog platformHalim is a popular street food over here. It's a mixture of lentil, rice, and meat. It's spicy and very flavourful. Recently I got to see a street food cart nearby selling this soup and I grabbed…parveg10 in wintness • 3 years agoTechnology | | Facebook | | by @parveg10// blurt-blog platformহ্যালো আমার প্রিয় বন্ধুরা আমি @parvag09 🇧🇩 বাংলাদেশ থেকে আসসালামু আলাইকুম আশা করি সবাই ভালো আছেন। আমিও ভালো আছি। আমি যে বিষটির উপর লিখতে যাচ্ছি সেটি হলোঃ ফেসবুক ফেসবুক হলো…parveg10 in wintness • 3 years agoLerobotics SmileyLerobotics Smiley//blurt-blog platformThe outstanding sketch of creative and useful Lerobotics Smiley is worth a thousand words, will always appreciate your encouragement and willing to sketch more for your viewing pleasure. It’s free…parveg10 in wintness • 3 years agoSpeedrun Drawing Royw...Hope you like it!//blurt-blog platformHey i hope you like this simple drawing I made a while back... Let me know what you think about it and what grade you would give it 1-10 Have a great day!zahidsun in wintness • 3 years agoHow to deposit and withdraw BLURT on PancakeSwap.Today I'm going show to you, how to deposit and withdraw BLURT on PancakeSwap. Requirements You must have a computer. ( you can't deposit blurt using a phone, in case you have to use Kiwi…chriss.wilhelm in cryptocurrency • 3 years agoRapids BNB Chain Bridge v2 Ten months ago, on 31 May 2021, Rapids Network introduced a Bridge allowing you to convert your Rapids (RPD) to Wrapped Rapids (bRPD) and vice versa at a ratio of 1:1. Back then to…kamranrkploy in pancakeswap • 3 years agoPancakeswap : Some fantastic pools you can take part in !Hello everyone , how are you all , I hope everyone is fine and going great in their life. Are you the person who loves blockhain games and want to be part of latest blockhain games in the world.…cryptovijay in cryptocurrency • 3 years agoBest crypto to hold forever for passive income!Best #crypto to hold forever for passive income is #cake. Let me allow to explain, why? First thing, it's available on low price due to #bitcoincrash, and the second thing is you can earn up to…cryptovijay in pancakeswap • 3 years agoPancakeSwap Is Offering 68.92% APY On Staking Cake TokensNow earn huge 68.92% APY on #staking your #CAKE tokens with PancakeSwap. It's also offering automatic restaking that is awesome!bitcoinnews24 in crypto • 3 years agoEuroSwap EDEX: A New DEX Bridging the Gap Between Crypto and EuroLast weekend, the EuroSwap project successfully closed phase-1 of the ongoing EDEX token sale Priority Session. The second phase is currently underway and will conclude in about a week. This…bitcoinnews24 in crypto • 3 years agoStakeMoon Coin Officially Launches on PancakeSwapStakeMoon, a new and innovative digital cryptocurrency project, launches on the PancakeSwap decentralized exchange (DEX) today, following a successful pre-sale, raising more than $500,000.…bitcoinnews24 in crypto • 3 years agoWhat to Expect From the “Bridge” Between Euro and Crypto?The European Central Bank is preparing to issue the digital euro. Sociological surveys by Deutsche Bundesbank have shown that 13% of Germans are waiting for the launch of the cryptocurrency euro.…