New: libyaAll contentburnbotvideokrblurtactifitartgameszzanlolznewsphotographyblurtgermanr2cornellwamblurtblockaimusicblurtindiablurtlifememeblurthispanoHotTrendingNewDAppsarabisouri in news • last yearLibya Floods and Western Values: They Care for the Libyans only to Steal their OilWe are still waiting for the Western countries and their proxies who invaded Libya in 2011 under the fake claims to 'protect its people' from their own army to show their support now after the…famigliacurione in libya • 3 years agoLibya Suffers a Permanent Humanitarian Catastrophe Under the Dictate of US InterestsDuring the era of Muammar Gaddafi’s Libyan Jamahiriya, the country was openly admired by many countries in the region for the well-being and living conditions of Libyans, perhaps with the exception…famigliacurione in blurtlinks • 3 years agoCanada’s Attack on Libya Helped Spread Terrorism InternationallyThe NATO attack on Libya in March 2011, which was led by Canada and destroyed the Libyan government, state and much of the country’s infrastructure arguably makes Canada a terrorist nation…