New: legendaryAll contentvideoburnbotkrblurtactifitartgameszzannewsblurtgermanr2cornellphotographylolzaimusicwamblurtblockmemeblurtlifeblurtindiablurthispanoHotTrendingNewDAppssaraah in legendary • last yearTales of Myth and Legend.Assalamoalaikum The topic of my today post is Tales of Myth and Legend. Since ancient times women across the world have been pointing towards the future of their mothers and fathers through their…tempertantric in blurtgaming • 2 years agoGold Legendary After Opening My 3rd Chaos Pack!! WowYes!! It Was The Fungus Fiend!! I did finally get started in the game! Bought my Summoners Spellbook, bought a bunch of cheap cards, a few packs, a few potions for opening the packs. Managed to…true.moaaz in mr-bean • 2 years agoChildhood hero Mr Bean , The man who made us laughI have lived the majority of my childhood watching Mr Bean and the animated series of Mt Bean. This is a post that is dedicated to him and it cannot be called completed without watching Mr…mein-senf-dazu in deutsch • 3 years agoMein Senf hat eine Legendary bekommenHallo liebe Community, Gestern habe ich endlich mal eine Legendary Karte bei Splinterlands in den Questtruhen erhalten. Hat ja lange gedauert bis ich da wieder mal eine bekomme, die erste hatte…