New: jeremyAll contentkrblurtactifitburnbotvideogamesartzzanphotographyblurtgermannewswamblurtblockr2cornellsteemresearchadventurephotodiscussionblurtindiaHotTrendingNewDAppsjoeyarnoldvn in dailywire • 2 years ago2023-01-21Dailywire was started not by Ben Shapiro but Ted Cruz funders. Steven Crowder is a whistleblower cuz Dailywire (DW) told people to get Covid Vaccines. They are Pro-War. Why is YouTube NOT censoring…joeyarnoldvn in gamergate • 3 years ago2021-09-122025 is the NEW 2030. Lin Wood believes in Determinism. I disagree. I believe in a hybrid of predestination based on freewill. God sees the future or predicts the future. God chooses to help those…