New: greyAll contentburnbotvideokrblurtactifitartzzangamesnewsphotographyblurtgermanr2cornelllolzwamblurtblockaimusicblurtindiablurtlifememeblurthispanoHotTrendingNewDAppspuspasari in blurt-192372 • 4 months agoMobilSebuah mobil yang berwarna abu-abu sedang parkir di pinggir jalan. Walaupun sedang diparkir tetapi masih terdengar bunyi mesin. Rupanya supir masih ada di dalam mobil. Mobil seperti menunggu…saraah in blurt-176888 • 9 months agowhy premature grey hairs growHere are some key reasons why premature grey hairs might appear If your parents or grandparents experienced early greying there is a chance you might too. Your DNA plays a big role in determining…charliechain in powerclub • 3 years agoMaldah journey{powerlub color contest, Theme 6th : Grey}There is a city call maldah . Maldah town is a popular city of West bengal and West bengal is a state of India. This was a bengali city. With me there is a problem i do understand bengali language…udabeu in blurtgerman • 4 years ago#Graeuyole.. #Imsch #Wung .. Hallo, man das war vielleicht ein Post STEEM . . ges . . HIVE . . tern . . BLURT , was ? Naja , die #VERKLAERUNG gehört mit zu den TrauerPhasen, und so eine sonnige…celi130 in blurtcomics • 4 years agoJean GreyToday I bring you another one of the female X-men, she is a mutant that has an Omega level, her telepathic and telekinetic powers make her different from the others, her name is Jean Gray, she is…