New: extremeeAll contentburnbotvideokrblurtactifitartzzangamesblurtgermannewsr2cornellphotographylolzwamblurtblockaimusicmemeblurtlifeblurtindiablurthispanoHotTrendingNewDAppsthe-gorilla in blurtsport • 3 years agoRosberg's XRX Wins Extreme E (just)Source The weekend was set up nicely, Rosberg's XRX team was leading Hamilton's X44 team by 16 points going in to the weekend and with X44 being the quickest in qualifying, they closed this gap…the-gorilla in blurtsport • 3 years agoExtreme E's Inaugural Season Ends TomorrowSource If you aren't familiar with Extreme E, then you can be forgiven. As excited as I got about it at the beginning of the season, it hasn't really seen any mainstream adoption and the most…