New: experimentalAll contentkrvideoblurtactifitburnbotartgameszzanphotographynewsblurtgermanwamlolzr2cornellblurtblockadventurediscussionjapanresearchblurtindiaHotTrendingNewDAppstempertantric in blurtmusic • last yearMusic Experiments Of The Year 2023 Added Up To The Album - Deja Void by Synthesis UndergroundListen now at bandcamp - Glad I can put this out!! I made some songs throughout the year, making music is a great therapy. I focused on putting lyrics to songs for the Massesect project. For this…tempertantric in blurtmusic • 2 years agoNew Triphop/Trap Type Tune Backing Track - Highack DemocMade this kinda trippy hip-hop trap style track using some A.I. generated music. I used this app called Loudly A.I. that you need to subscribe to a patreon to have access to. I thought it made some…tempertantric in blurtmusic • 2 years agoNew Minimal Haywire Experimental Track - Synthesis Underground Grust KruzzMade a slightly out of sync kinda weird song. I recorded some drums and put some reverb/delays on some of them, then added some minimal yet noisy synths into it. It was an odd experiment, I thought…tempertantric in blurtmusic • 3 years agoNew Song! Access Minded by Synthesis UndergroundMade another new track a couple days ago. Got a pretty good music area set up right now so I've been choosing sounds on the keyboard and just playing them out having some fun electronic music…kgakakillerg in art • 3 years agoAlien Lennon 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥Hello everyone good morning I hope that you are all good and well today Here's some amazing digital art creations I created from scratch as always I didn't use no photo manipulation no Ai no…kgakakillerg in art • 3 years agoGlitchy alien goat 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥Hi everyone good morning here's some beautiful digitalart creations I created from scratch I created these creations two days ago now I'm really really happy with the way these all turned out…kgakakillerg in art • 3 years agoAlien Fredrickson 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥Hi everyone good morning I hope that you are all good and well today Here's some beautiful original unique digitalart creations I created from scratch I didn't use any photo manipulation no Ai…tempertantric in blurtmusic • 3 years agoNew Song Worked On In The Last Couple Weeks - Synthesis Underground - Breakthrough CommuniqueBeen a bit busy, still managed to make a new track! It is a bit darker sounding, dancy with some rock elements. I had some fun making this one. Allot of time it's in my spare time, on the ride to…tempertantric in blurtmusic • 3 years agoShort Noisy Track - Synthesis Underground - RakitWas just making random sounds, not sure if they would fit, then I heard something and sampled what I'd done. Went back to re-work it, then added some more sounds. Have some distorted drums, some…tempertantric in blurtmusic • 3 years agoPsych Clone Clown Damage, With Lyrical Content by MassesectLatest track put some lyrics on. Been writing poetic words out that tell a sort of story. I like how it turned out! Getting me pumped for the next. The song is an experiment. The vocals at the end…tempertantric in blurtmusic • 3 years agoNew Song I'm Working On - Synthesis Underground - Glut Above The RestI was away from home, still had my music computer, didn't have a musical keyboard so I made music without one! It turned out pretty good, got me to drawing the midi notes out and adding some…tempertantric in art • 3 years agoNew Song And Arts To Go With - Synthesis Underground - Barrage Of MirageI was happy to make this! Been awhile since I've been back online because of computer crash! Now back in action. The song is experimental and kinda weird. Bit of an industrial feel. Made some…tempertantric in timingoff • 3 years agoMade An Almost Nonsensical Video To Song - Timing Off By Massesect - A.I. Generated Music VideoIt is weird and it has a lady playing with the wind out the window in a car without a seatbelt at a couple points! I was looking for some ways to make music videos for free haha. I think soon I…tempertantric in blurtmusic • 3 years agoNew Song Timing Off Now On BandcampThe latest single that contains lyrics! My mind is brewing up more rhymes and ideas. I like the picture I painted with the song. There are no other tunes that I have lyrics to so got to make up some…tempertantric in blurtmusic • 3 years agoMassesect - Timing Off Alternate LyricsThere was an electronic track made late last year that when I listened to it, I thought it can be one where I put some lyrics to the tune. I made an earlier version of the song with lyrics, then…tempertantric in blurtmusic • 3 years agoSuper! Got Some Lyrics Into Massesect Collaboration With Dan Flange! - Massesect - EnmeshedI followed my guides! I am to use my voice in lyrics and song. Been on this collaboration song for awhile, it's been good. Got to practice making stuff to someone else's sounds, arranged it, jammed…tempertantric in blurtmusic • 3 years agoI Was Able To Get Another Song Yet! Synthesis Underground - Kook EyeWith this I now have 9 tracks to put out on this here turn of year into the new compilation. I had a song I was working on and thought I could add it. I gave it a listen and decided to work…tempertantric in blurtmusic • 3 years agoI Think This May Be The Last Track Of The Year - Synthesis Underground - FlabberghastIt has been half comfortable half hectic end of year. I was able to squeeze in some music in the last month or so. I am thinking of putting out an album of collected tracks for the turn of year.…tempertantric in blurtmusic • 3 years agoNew Track Experiment - Synthesis Underground - Outgrownth NegliginThe latest track I'm mixing here is deja vu-ing me on! I feel I have mixed these sounds before. Must because I'm going through some older and newer sound files and mixing them up. Seeing what I got…tempertantric in blurtmusic • 3 years agoGlitchy Weird Song Experiment - Synthesis Underground - Mare StrollerA slower more glitchy sound experiment from the last few days. Sometimes I try stuff out, see what I make and keep the result. This song seems almost like a collection of sound scrap garbage. I love…