New: drowningAll contentburnbotvideokrblurtactifitartzzangamesnewsblurtgermanr2cornellphotographylolzwamblurtblockaimusicblurtlifeblurtindiamemeblurthispanoHotTrendingNewDAppsgameguru in art • last yearThe Drowning Man - 2Blue Eyes, True Liesgameguru in art • last yearThe Drowning Man - 1Still Waters Run Deepproteen in motivation • 2 years agoWhat to Do If You Are Afraid of DrowningIf you are afraid of drowning, you can take a number of steps to conquer your fear. Some of these include flotation on your back, exposure to water, Cognitive behavioral therapy, and medications.…karuna21 in blurtart • 3 years agoAnother art I want to share!If you like my out please comment and up vote me.cloudblade in cn • 4 years ago比特币传教者溺水而亡比特币传教者溺水而亡 亿万富翁波佩斯库(Mircea Popescu)于六月23日在哥斯大黎加的蓬塔雷纳斯市(Puntarenas)海岸边游泳,结果被海流给卷走而死亡,年仅41岁。 波佩斯库是加密货币交易所MPEx的创办人,人称「比特币传教者」,是最早投入比特币产业的人之一。 据其自述,他拥有一百万枚比特币,乃是全球拥有最多比特币的富豪。…