New: dogeday420All contentburnbotvideokrblurtactifitartzzangamesblurtgermannewsr2cornellphotographylolzwamblurtblockaimusicmemeblurtlifeblurtindiablurthispanoHotTrendingNewDAppsoffgridlife in dogecoin • 4 years agoWhatever happened with Dogecoin and #dogeday420 ?Well... Dogecoin did not reach $4.20 on #Dogeday420. What happened to the Doge ? We found Him .... Chillin down in Motu To'opua, at the Conrad Bora Bora Nui. The Doge is just recharging…offgridlife in tesla • 4 years agoWhere is the Starman ? .... approaching Mars. #dogeday420Where is the Starman ??? Closing in on Mars .... Source: The car is 102,158,098 miles (164,407,573 km, 1.099 AU, 9.14 light minutes) from the Sun, moving away from the star at a speed of…offgridlife in blurtmusic • 4 years agoBlurtmusic for the Holidaze: Happy 420Happy 420 to all those smokers out there. Locked up in their homes all across Canada ... smoking their Legal weed. Some Reggae... Happy #dogeday420 ... whatever that is ??? Source:…offgridlife in blurtmusic • 4 years agoBlurtmusic for the Holidaze: National Garlic DayI forgot that today was National Garlic Day. Thanks to all the Blurt Holidazers that reminded me of this Awesome Holiday. On the Eve of the biggest Holiday of the year ... #Dogeday420 we all…